Saturday, August 31, 2019

Government Funding Stem Cell Research Essay

Stem cell research is a relatively new science that is the source of much medical promise yet much controversy as well. The type of stem cells required, embryonic stem cells, are only obtainable one way: through the destruction of human embryos. In 1996, the Dickey-Wicker Amendment was passed, making the government unable to fund any research where human embryos are created or destroyed. At first the amendment was a minor obstacle the government had to work around to still get the stem cell scientists the money they needed. It wasn’t until August 23, 2010 that Judge Lamberth’s ruling halted all government funding for stem cell research. Today, stem cell research does not receive government funds as the research, though potentially life-saving, crosses moral and religious barriers that inhibit its growth as a science and as a gateway towards future medical breakthroughs. With the opposing arguments in mind, I feel the government should fund stem cell research as doing so will help speed up the research process and get us closer to saving lives and ending human suffering. There are two types of stem cells, adult stem cells (found in adults) and embryonic stem cells (found in embryos). Although both possess at least some ability to replicate and develop into mature specialized cells, such as skin cells, heart cells, or nerve cells, the adult stem cells are much less numerous than embryonic and generally much more limited in the types of cells they can form. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they can form any kind of tissue and any type of cell. Embryonic stem cells are currently not used for medical treatments yet are the source of much medical promise in the near future. Obtainable only through the destruction of human embryos, embryonic stem cells can be viewed as life savers or the products of life destruction. A type of adult stem cell, the hematopoietic stem cell, is already widely used to treat leukemia; in fact, they are the only kind of stem cells currently used to treat diseases. Though past and current applications of stem cell therapy with humans may seem a bit underwhelming, scientists around the globe agree that stem cell research is worth the attention and will bring much relief to victims of many diseases. The main reason for government not to fund stem cell research is that it funds or at least encourages the destruction of human embryos. Judge Lamberth severed the government’s loophole used to fund stem cell research, appealing to the numerous United States citizens who do not want their tax dollars going towards the destruction of human embryos. Judge Lamberth concludes that â€Å"the fact that embryonic-stem-cell research ‘involves multiple steps does not mean that each step is a separate ‘piece of research’ that may be federally funded, provided the step does not result in the destruction of an embryo’† (Keiper). The issue here arises from the belief that human embryos are potential humans, and therefore, the destruction of human embryos should be considered the destruction of human life. Adam Keiper, the editor of the New Atlantis, states that â€Å"presuming the incalculable moral significance of human life, was certainly the intent of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, and should be the aim of any decent society† (Keiper). He believes that the government should not fund stem cell research regardless of which part of the research it is funding; such funding of any research that involves the process of the destruction of human embryos, or potential human beings (as some may see them), incentivizes just that. With that in mind, one’s position on the stem cell research may be decided on simply weighing the potential lives saved by conducting the research with the potential lives saved by not conducting the research. That decision relies heavily on one’s morals, religious beliefs, and whether or not human embryos should be considered potential humans beings. Many embryos created through in-virto fertilization (IVF), a process that replicates conception, are never used by the patients of the IVF banks; they are spares and would never become humans without the consent of the parents of the embryo, or embryos. To answer the question of â€Å"whether or not human embryos should be considered potential human beings†, one must first answer the question: What makes a human? A simple answer to the question would be â€Å"anything that, under the right conditions, could become a human. † However, the crucial step in the development of a human is the decision of the parent; without parental consent, those spare embryos will never become humans. Thus, the embryos have no future as a person and should not be seen as potential life. The parents of the unneeded embryos have the option to donate the spare embryos to stem cell research or have them discarded. Laura Bothwell is a doctoral candidate in the history and ethics of public health and medicine in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University. She believes that â€Å"it is a great gift to humanity that the embryos left over from the assisted reproduction cycles can be used for research that has the potential to alleviate human suffering† (Bothwell). Hundreds of thousands of spare embryos in IVF banks have no future as humans, making it unwise to not use them for stem cell research. In which case, the argument that the government is funding the destruction of potential human life is fundamentally flawed. We need to stop worrying about the lives of those who will never live and begin focusing on the lives of those already living. In the novel â€Å"Brave New World† by Aldous Huxley, the world has been transformed from what it is today. Humans are grown in factories with specific traits to fill specific roles in the society. Obviously, this is not the case today, and most would agree that is a good thing. However, we are slowly beginning to see that it may be possible. The possibility of growing our own human beings is scary to think of. Looming deep in the minds of stem cell researchers and scientists and anyone educated about the science is the fear of what it may lead to. Could it lead us to becoming human engineers? Could it lead to our humanity slip away as we wander into a life where no one is special, where not God but we are the creators of human beings? It may not be a commonly heard question as most would label it farfetched. Therefore, as I support the government funding stem cell research, I also understand the need for it to be monitored. Going into the science of stem cells and still today we do not completely know what will become of it in the distant future. â€Å"President [Bush] declared his intention to name a President’s Council to monitor stem cell research, to recommend appropriate guidelines and regulations, and to consider medical and ethical ramifications of biomedical innovation† (President’s Council on Bioethics). Another reason for the government to not fund stem cell research is that doing so would speed up the research while many, including those of the President’s Council on Bioethics, think it should be monitored and restricted as to prevent it from getting out of hand. Stem cell research is like a fire, some people want to see it grow and prove itself a source of warmth, some people want to see it diminish until there is nothing left; most want to keep it under control and prevent it from becoming a raging inferno. Moral dilemmas and deep inner-looming fears aside, stem cell research has a promising potential that cannot be ignored. Researchers believe that stem cells can be used to treat a large variety of diseases and organ failure. They could be used to create organ transplants that will not be rejected by the patient. Stem cells have the ability to save countless lives across the world. They may be used in the treatment of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. They may be important for delivering targeted gene therapy. They have the ability to treat liver diseases and metabolic disorders such as Gaucher’s disease. Hematopoietic stem cells are currently used in treating leukemia, a reasonable and well established and accepted method of treatment. Ruth Kirchstein, a former acting director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), notes that â€Å"the ability to use stem cells in disease treatments by simple transplantation makes them a feasible therapeutic approach†, and â€Å"with limited supply of organs for transplants, stem cells are increasingly viewed as an attractive alternative for treating failing organs† (Kirchstein). If the only cost of funding stem cell research were the loss of embryos that had no future human life possibility than the numerous possible benefits of the research should render the cost insignificant. Stem cell research holds much promise yet is deprived of the funding necessary to fulfill this promise. If funded, within years we could be making medical breakthroughs and saving more lives than ever before. Luckily, modern science has unlocked a new possibility, one that could put an end to moral and ethical disputes and put an end to much human suffering. In recent years scientists have made a new discovery, a new way to research stem cells, a way to reprogram skins cells to behave just as embryonic stem cells; they are called induced pluripotent stem cells. This new method of acquiring stem cells breaks no ethical barriers while still giving us access to the life-saving potential of stem cells. In November 2007 a research group in Japan and another in Wisconsin successfully created the induced luripotent stem cells. Initially, the induced pluripotent stem cells had a cancerous tendency that killed some of the mice in the first testing process. However, on November 30, 2007 Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University, the leader of the Japanese research groups, eliminated the cancerous tendency. â€Å"In the first process, six of the thirty-six mice injected with the cells died of tumors within 100 days, but in the second process, no mice died† (Lewis). Not long after that accomplishment, scientists at Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital in Boston created the induced pluripotent stem cells from a human volunteer, adding to the evidence that supports skin cell reprogramming as a promising means of acquiring the valuable stem cells. Andy Lewis, a research editor for the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, declares that â€Å"The breakthrough of inducing skin cells into pluripotent stem cells is an answer to prayer of pro-life advocates, who have long desired an ethical medical solution to combat debilitating diseases and illnesses in society† (Lewis). Induced pluripotent stem cells, being classified as stem cell research, should by all means be funded by the government as it poses no ethical issues and possesses the same potential as human embryonic stem cells do. It is a solution that makes everyone happy. The government should fund stem cell research. Spare embryos with no future as humans should be utilized to improve the lives of those already living. If anything, the government should fund and encourage the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem cell research has too much potential to not fund, even with taking ethical and moral barriers into consideration. However, we must prevent ourselves from getting carried away; we must monitor the research’s growth, keep it controlled, and, most importantly, maintain our humanity. We can tend to the fire, let it glow brighter than ever, let it provide warmth and comfort for society, but if we let our guard down, if we allow the fire to become bigger than us, a raging, untamable inferno, we may never be able to stomp it out. ?

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Last Trip to Baguio Essay

I love travelling, especially to those beautiful spots here in the Philippines. I’ve been to Pangasinan, Quezon Province, Tarlac, Pampanga, Bataan, La Union, Baguio, and Tagaytay. One thing that I can’t forget are my trips to Baguio. I’ve been there several times with different companions. I almost memorize the different places there that the tourists visit every time they go there like Burnham park, Mines View, Wright Park, Botanical Garden, Strawberry Farm, Groto and others. One of my trips to Baguio that I still remember was when I was with my uncle and his family, together with my sister and husband. It happened last January 1, 2011. It was already four in the morning when I woke up, because we will leave at exactly 5 am. After four hours of travelling, I could feel the cold breeze of the air. At last were there! But the smell of the air, the cold that makes me chill from the first time that I’ve been there seven years ago was not that similar for me now. Then our trip to Baguio started for the whole day, we go to beautiful places there. Because it was their first time there, my husband and I served as their tour guide. We ate our breakfast at KFC in Session Road, I ordered fried chicken, rice, coffee and sundae for desert. From there we started taking up our pictures. After breakfast we went to Baguio Cathedral, and there they took a lot of pictures, because it was their first time there, they were so excited. With their different poses, anywhere even there were not so beautiful view. Even it was foggy and the views were not that clearly seen in the pictures we still continue taking up our souvenir pictures. Next place we visited after the cathedral was a garden, that was the Baguio’s Botanical Garden, for me it was more beautiful now compared before. It was more systemize and clean now. The cave that connects Botanical Garden to Mines View Park was more interesting to try now, not like before that it seems like an ordinary passage. but that cave served as a fortress of the Filipino soldiers during the war here in the Philippines. Then we went to Wright Park, we rode horses. We also go to Mines View at and bought silver jewelries, actually it was my uncle’s treat to all of us. After all the places we’ve been there, we go back to Barrio Fiesta. But it was too late for lunch and we were all hungry, we ordered lot of foods. After eating, they still want to go in other places, but the trip will took four hours again going home. So, they decided to go down. We bought strawberries, ube jam, strawberry jam and other delicacies that can be bought there. It was so tiring, but if you’ll look for the entirety of Baguio it’s just like Gapan in area.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Awakening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Awakening - Essay Example Though she chooses to act on her own, she fails to understand that freedom without responsibility brings about anarchy. While defying the Victorian ideals of femininity, she gullibly defies her motherhood and wifehood by deserting her children and husband. Her husband Leonce Pontellier appears to be the ideal Victorian male who is devoted to his family and remains busy in his business. Though Leonce effectively represents the authoritarian and possessive Victorian patriarchy, he –as a father and a husband- is less culpable. Before her romance with Robert, Edna’s relationship with Leonce was quite healthy. It essentially testifies that apart from the authoritarian patriarchal essence Leonce appears to be a good husband. Before the awakening at Robert’s second escape, Edna appears to be one of those heroines, of feminist metanarrative, who are aggressive to their men accusing them as their restrictive superiors. Chopin’s heroine also grows hatred for her hus band’s restrictions. She actively seeks a way out of it and begins to isolate her from the so-called male dominated society. She learns how to swim. Here swimming metaphorically refers to Edna’s perception of freedom. In the vast expanse of the ocean Edna can realize her own strength. When she is in the water, she perceives her position as an individual entity amid the universe. Until the readers reach the end of the novel, they mistake Edna’s husband Leonce Pontellier for a traditional patriarchal antagonist. Chopin presents the male characters as the passive patriarchal role-players of the society. Both Leonce and Robert cannot but succumb to the demands of the male dominated society. Neither Robert nor Leonce can be considered as villainous toward Edna. Rather the true villain, if there is any, is the society in which Robert and Leonce live. Chopin further explores deep into modern feminist metanarrative with a question how far it will be justifiable to conde mn motherhood and wifehood as the patriarchy-imposed restriction on women’s freedom. Far from portraying men as villains she attempts to impeach the society in a broader context for mutilating women’s freedom. Also she does not let a feminist go unquestioned. In the first place, she puts Edna’s role into question whether her decision to leave her husband and family is justified or not. She longs for Robert’s love. But she is not considerate enough to think that someone else such as her husband and children need her love. If she needs absolute freedom, she has got it. But even then she commits suicide because she does not get Robert’s love. Thus Chopin attempts to show that loveless freedom is meaningless. In addition, Chopin wants to purport that Edna is in search of freedom. Necessarily she asks the readers what Edna’s freedom is for. It is seems that Edna’s freedom is to fulfill her carnal hunger. She is infatuated with Robertâ€⠄¢s charm. But she seems to be oblivious to the aftermaths of such extramarital affair. Very likely, Chopin wants to say that the society which Robert, Leonce and even Edna herself are committed to is one based on the universal rules of human relationship. Robert’s awareness of adultery and his Declination from their extramarital affair are more of his respect for the marital agreement between Edna and Leonce than of his fear of patriarchal authority. Again through Edna’s attempt to attain freedom by distancing herself from

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Negligent Security & Premises Liability Research Paper

Negligent Security & Premises Liability - Research Paper Example The researcher states that unlike many laws that are enforced uniformly across the United States, premises liability law can differ from state to state. As an example, consider the scenario of an individual visiting an apartment and injuring themselves there. In some states, the owners of the apartment building would be liable for the injury; however, in other states, the tenant of the apartment where the injury occurred would be liable for the injury. Therefore, as described in the example, the law of premises liability can be enforced differently depending on the laws of the state involved. As indicated by the classic elements of premises liability, the plaintiff had to be an invitee or licensee in order to hold a landowner liable for a tort that occurs while the plaintiff is on the premises. A 1968 California Supreme Court decision, however, removed the legal distinction between an invitee, licensee, and trespasser when deciding if the possessor of the land could be held liable fo r harm that occurs on the premises and held that a landowner owed a reasonable duty of care to anyone on their premises. This decision held that a possessor of land could be held liable for harm that occurs on their property, even if the harm is to a trespasser or an individual that was not invited and should not be on the premises. Attractive Nuisance Doctrine The 1971 case Haddad v. First National Stores, Inc. established the standard for the duty of care owed to trespassing children. Previously the duty  of a landowner owed to trespassers was not to harm them in a willful or wanton manner; however, the Haddad decision changed this standard and added a special duty of care with regard to children. The court adopted the attractive nuisance doctrine which makes a landowner liable if the plaintiff can prove: 1) the owner knows, or has reason to know, that children are likely to trespass where the condition exists; 2) the condition is one which the landowner knows and realizes, or h as reason to know and realize, involves an unreasonable risk of serious injury or death to such children; 3) the child does not realize the risk or danger involved; 4) the utility to the landowner of maintaining the condition is slight compared to the risk to children; and, 5) the landowner fails to exercise reasonable care to eliminate the danger or otherwise protect the children. Even though the case established the attractive nuisance doctrine, it is difficult for both a plaintiff and defendant to be involved in any case based on this doctrine. Another development in the premises liability law relates to the element of the law regarding the necessity of negligence or some other wrongful act. â€Å"Third party premises liability† cases refer to cases where the possessor or owner of a property can be held liable for injury or harm that occurs on the premises but is the result of a wrongful act of a third person and not the possessor of the property. The issues of duty and ca usation are complex in these cases since the injury is not caused by the possessor of the premises directly, but still may be the liability of the owner or possessor of the premises.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review Discussion of Chris Hackley (2013), Marketing in Context Essay - 1

Review Discussion of Chris Hackley (2013), Marketing in Context - Essay Example According to Hackley, critics have been against marketing and its role because of the associated theories and techniques used in the business world in the name of marketing. The author is honest about the fact that the developed world has experienced some of the benefits associated with marketing. This is through increasing affluence. Despite the evident benefits of marketing, only a few people have a conscience understanding of the functioning of marketing. Many of the books seeking to elaborate the concepts of marketing have not succeeded in doing so in accordance with the views expressed by Hackley. Hackley has the conviction that marketing research and the findings recorded as well as the theories developed from such findings do not conform to the real life aspects of marketing. These reasons prompted Hackley to develop a text that can describe marketing concepts in the appropriate context. Hackley’s book succeeds in clarifying several marketing concepts, its role, and set ting a new scene that allows marketing to be understood in its appropriate context. This paper will present a critical review discussion of Chris Hackley’s introductory chapter and the conclusion he presents. The review is going to consider other chapters in the book, and describe how Hackley develops them to set a â€Å"marketing scene†. In the first chapter of the book, Hackley develops an introduction to his involving text. In this chapter, Hackley introduces the overgeneralization of concepts that has been happening in the marketing field. More specifically, he highlights that only a few people understand marketing in its appropriate context. The efforts of previous authors have not succeeded in enlightening readers on how to understand marketing. This is despite the fact that marketing is one of the fields with a remarkable economic contribution as well as a cultural presence with numerous effects on the society. In an effort to address

Monday, August 26, 2019

How to View Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective Essay

How to View Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective - Essay Example This does not mean that the work process should get routinized. Rather, enough flexibility has to be maintained, in order to meet all kinds of future changes and contingencies. In the modern dynamic business world this is far from being true. Hence there is the need is to develop a contingency approach to the quality management theories. The contingency perspective of quality management states that there can be no single management theory which can be used as a solution in all organizations under every circumstance. Hence all the elements of management, that is planning, organizing, staffing and directing needs to be suited to the requirements of the organization. The various factors upon which such decision making depends, include various environmental factors as well as several internal contingencies. (Stahl, 1999, p 78) The experts believe that the quality management is made up of two aspects namely, quality control and quality learning. Whereas control refers to the use of the quality improvement theories in an organization, learning refers to the use of the same in a contingency perspective. These two elements are also influenced by various moderators like the organizational structure and the environmental uncertainty, which in turn affects the overall performance. The managers need to have an effective balance between these two conflicting goals in the organization, so as to effectively deal with the situational uncertainties of the business. Thus it can be said that the successful working of an organization is dependent on the adaptability of its internal change processes to its external environment and to the contingencies occurring due to the nature of its business. (Giaever, 1998) A question can be asked in this regard, whether the Quality in itself is contingent or not. (Beckford, 2003, p. 151). There may be two dimensions of this question. The first one is the quality, which is determined by measuring the output of the organization.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Development of the Constitution Act of Canada and the sections which Essay

Development of the Constitution Act of Canada and the sections which apply to immigration - Essay Example Immigrants were freely allowed in to Canada so that they could occupy the available lands and create market for Canadian commodities. Two years later, in 1869, the government passed the first immigration Act that had a few discriminatory restrictions. The discriminations were for strategic reasons and was supported by some Acts such as the1885 Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act (Makarenko). The Second World War made the Canadian government to enact more legislations on immigration that did not allow immigrants from enemy countries. These restrictions were enacted in the Wartime Elections Act and War Measures Act. After the world war there was need to create a more socially integrated nation that would favor economic growth considering that there were immigrants from counties that were perceived as enemies. Later the government banned immigration of Chinese people due to Canadians losing their jobs to immigrants. In 1976, the Canadian government introduced another law that provided a new policy for admission of immigrants and it gave categories of immigrants. The categories were independent, humanitarian, assisted-relative and family classes. Later, in 1978, the government recognized refugees as legal immigrants (Makarenko). The government still recognizes the earlier reasons for the need for immigrants. The country still needed immigrants for economic growth and thus in 2001 the government passed Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that put restrictions on immigration eligibility (Government Of Canada, 2001). Later the government got into agreement with America and British-Columbia so as to regulate inflow of refugees from these two countries (Makarenko, 2012). Makarenko, J. (2012, August 12). Immigration Policy in Canada: History, Administration and Debates. Retrieved from Maple Leaf Web:

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Management and Leadership (Coursework - Report) Essay

Management and Leadership (Coursework - Report) - Essay Example An institution’s success largely depends on how decisions are made and the structure that govern employee relationship and customer service (Simon 2006, pp.44). The company has maintains high standards by employing a very capable management team. They include the Chairman of the chain, Bill Marriot; The Chief Executive Officer; Arne Sorenson; the President and Chief Operating officer, Hurve Humler and the Chief Financial Officer, Peter Cole (Ritz-Carlton 2010). The company however achieved its high position in global hospitality under the leadership of President Horst Schulze. Schulze introduced focus on both the data-driven and personal sides of hospitality. The hotel chain has accomplished a lot since its inception and is the only company in the world to have won the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards twice both in 1992 and 1998 (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.221). It has placed in top positions in various notable hospitality surveys such as the Zagat Survey. Mis sion and Goals The motto of the Ritz-Carlton hotel is â€Å"Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen†. This motto describes the general operations of the company and defines its corporate strategy. Since its inception, the company’s goal has been to provide exemplary service to their consumers while ensuring that elegance and luxury is of high quality. The company is dedicated to ensuring that their consumers feel like loyalty from the moment the step through the doors till the moment they depart. Customer Relations According to Storey, Emberson and Reade (2005, pp.248), customer responsiveness largely depends on the management model used and can make or break a company. The Ritz-Carlton group has ensured that their customer service if exemplary and worthy to compete in the global hospitality market. The previous president Horst Schulze instituted certain quality service control that catapulted the hotel chain into the top. Apart from the three levels of servi ce employed to make guests feel welcome, employees in the company are given the authority to handle any complaints from customers on the spot and can spend $2000 in the process as necessitated (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.223). The employees can also request immediate aid from other employees. Furthermore, the employees are also required to gain feedback from the customers within a twenty minute period on the progress of problem resolution. Analysis of the Corporate Strategy of the Ritz-Carlton Hofstede demonstrated that there are several dimensions of culture that determine the operations of a company. The dimensions define how a company interacts both with its employees and its consumers. The first dimension is whether a company is means oriented or goal oriented (Hofstede 1980, pp.74). The Ritz-Carlton company is goal oriented such that the structure commencing from its credo to internal operations are all geared to providing the exemplary customer service and maintaining the Ritz-Ca rlton mystique. The second dimension is whether a company is internal driven or externally driven (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.212). In an internally driven company, employees perceive that honesty and business ethics are vital and that they better understand what the customer needs. In an externally driven system however, emphasis is on meeting the requirements and needs of the customer (Aaker 2007, pp.59). The Ritz is an externally dri

Making a truss adaptive to specific loading condition to save Essay

Making a truss adaptive to specific loading condition to save materials - Essay Example As the active and passive control methods improved the structures under dynamic loads, its requirement for the performance based design was of concern. The use of these systems helps in achieving these objectives optimally in civil engineering. In a passive structural control, the structures have been built from a thermal stable composite material. This system can be isolation systems, shear walls, viscosities dampers and tuned mass dampers. The tuned mass dampers could be used in chimneys, towers and bridges (Sinan Korkmaz, 2011); for example in the Citicorp central New York to control the first mode of vibration (Peterson, N.R., 1979). In the active control, a set of sensors and actuators connected by feedback is used (Berlin Heidelberg, 2011). The stiffness and the physical properties of the active systems can be changed due to the external stimuli so that structural response like the internal flow of forces can be manipulated as the deflections or the vibration are controlled and optimized. The active systems are striking choices to be able to retrofit or increase the strength of the current structure against strong winds, earthquake, water waves or any external force that affect the safety of the structure. The adaptive systems are related to development and manufacturing. There are different material systems designed as smart materials and currently available in a wide range such including ceramics, polymers and alloys (W Sobek and P Tueffel, 2013). As shown in the figure †¦ the sensors get the information and the control intelligence process the information getting from sensors and will feed into actuators. Every material, in principle, has been found to be responsive in a one-to-one relation. For instance, voltage is produced from an input pressure, or it can be produced from a triangulated piece of veneer that displaces the free tip depends on the level of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Emerging Professional Organizations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emerging Professional Organizations - Assignment Example This is in response to the mandate that all American citizens should have an electronic record comes 2014. In Australia, there is a need for nursing students to acquire the skill in information technology with the same purpose of safe and quality care (Smedley, 2005). Having these kinds of organizations has its own advantages. One is that it contributes much to the success in the implementation of electronic system in the field of health care. Huge number of skilled members is needed to motivate those who are still pessimistic. Another benefit is that corroboration among members around the globe helps in educating others and provides support system to those who participates in this field. Further, effectiveness and efficiency in health care service would be improved. Although each organization claim they differ in their purpose, it is obvious overlapping of their goal do exists. Like for example the aim of Alliance Nursing Informatics (ANI) in educating their members is the same as the intention included in American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). The same holds true in their desire for research where Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) have the same intention. Some organizations also tried to merge with others because of the same

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The importance of the achievements of Mesopotamian Society Essay Example for Free

The importance of the achievements of Mesopotamian Society Essay Through the development of writing, mathematics, metalworking, detailed law codes, and the wheel, Mesopotamians have shown their ingenuity with many different achievements. The world as we know it could not survive without writing. I am writing right now in order to do this paper, and the economy and so much of our lives is dependent on writing. Although it goes hand-in-hand with writing, mathematics is also a very important achievement of the Mesopotamians. Mesopotamians based their math system on sixty, but it is just as important and influential regardless. Metal work is another great achievement of the Mesopotamians; it improved warfare, made better tools, and is very important in life today also. Law codes, although mostly used as a guideline, helped to keep the peace and gave a true sense of authority and respect for the king. The wheel was one of the most influential inventions of all time, despite its simplistic origins as a potters wheel and then later a solid way of pulling a cart easier. Writing is by far the most important achievement of Mesopotamian society. Developing from writing on clay envelopes as a way of keeping business records, writing was first used as a counting method. Later on, Sumerians, who were the first to develop a writing system, realized that it would be easier to simply write these notes on clay rather than on the round envelope. The writing system that began to emerge is called Cuneiform and pushing a reed into a clay tablet produced these Cuneiform symbols. However, before the Cuneiform we know today developed, pictograms were used to represent several different sounds or words. These pictograms gradually became more abstract over time, and developed into a system of triangular shapes and lines. Writing promoted a persons social status, if you knew how to read and write you were someone. The choicest profession in Mesopotamia was to be a scribe, as almost no common people knew how to write, and even kings usually did not know how to write. With writing and the writing profession, schools began to develop to teach their pupils to become scribes. Most scribes worked either for the government or worked as the town scribe. Writing is extremely important today. It has been used in as simplistic things such as writing journals, to much bigger things, such as declaring independence from a mother country. The clearest way of describing the importance of writing is to show that definable history begins with the  development of writing. Mathematics, used mainly for business transactions, arguably changed the world as much as writing did. The Sumerians were also the peoples to develop mathematics. Their math system was based on the number sixty, and this is where we get the sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour. This system of mathematics allowed the peoples of Mesopotamia to do everyday things such as the area of a room or how old a person was. The Sumerian system greatly improved trade, especially while using the barter system. It allowed Mesopotamians to put a value on goods so that it was possible to know the difference between the value of a sheep and a bag of grain, or the difference between the value of a pound of bronze and a pound of clay. The development of mathematics lead to great advancements in architecture as well. Planning and executing the construction of a building required a great deal of math in order to calculate wall size, shape, angle, etc. Today, mathematics is also very important. Students spend years studying the different methods of math to be able to apply it to their everyday lives. Math and numbers are used everywhere everyday from telling someone your phone number to calculating your percent profit at the end of a busy week. Another important advancement of Mesopotamians is their work with metals. Mesopotamians began to branch out from stone tools and use metals such as copper and bronze. This branching out and grasping a new material lead to widespread specialization of work. Blacksmithing became a known occupation, and allowed for the mass producing of metal weaponry (In the ancient near eastern sense). Metal weaponry became the basis for whether or not you would win the war. If you were still using wooden weapons, a city-state that had copper weaponry could wipe you out or defeat you fairly quickly. The same would be true if you were a city-state that was using copper weapons and an enemy using bronze weapons attacked you. The enemy would either destroy or capture your city-state with a fair amount of ease. Metalworkings and trading were not only important to the daily lives of Mesopotamians for tools and such, but for more than a thousand years they were the definitive factor in warfare. With the development for such weaponry, governments had to institute law codes to help to keep the control and the peace amongst their city-state or empire. The most famous of these law codes, though not the only one found, is the Law Code of Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylonia from about 1792 B.C.E to about 1750 B.C.E. This law code has hundreds of laws dealing with simple matters of contracts and other ordinary functions to laws regarding thievery, murder, and mal practice. Hammurabis code, although used as mainly a guideline for Babylonian judges, was presented to the people of Babylonia as a direct command from the Gods indicating that these were the proper behaviors. This caused the peoples to want to follow the laws even more, because they believed that the Gods would curse them if they did not obey. These punishments, however, had different punishments for different classes, showing the different levels of respect that the government had for its people. Most of these laws, however, dealt with criminals in a very strict, eye-for-an-eye, vengeful manner. Law is very important today because it continues to try and keep the peace on the streets and in our country by making people realize that there are consequences to their actions. This is a great achievement for Mesopotamians because it shows their realization that there must be order in the kingdom for the kingdom to survive, and that there also needs to be obedience and distribution of work for a kingdom to advance in status. The wheel is also one of the greatest achievements of Mesopotamians, because it allowed for faster travel, more efficient warfare, and also lead to thousands upon thousands of inventions in the future. The wheel began as part of a potters wheel for making pots, and then gradually the idea began to emerge to use a rolling something, the wheel, for easier ways to pull something in a cart. Before, sleds were used to drag stuff along, but this method was very tedious and slow because it created a lot of friction against the ground. The wheel was then used as a solid circle attached with an axle to a cart that pulled soldiers to and from places during a battle. A dependable, yet slow moving, donkey-like creature often pulled this cart. The idea for spokes in the wheels did not emerge until later, but it allowed for the cart to become a chariot and be pulled by a horse quickly around battlefields. With the initiation of horse-drawn chariots, warfare improved  by allowing soldiers to fight from their chariots, thus decreasing their chance of injury. The improvements of warfare, and the allowance that the development of the wheel has had on technological advances over time are the reasons that the wheel was such an important achievement of the Mesopotamians. The achievements and firsts of Mesopotamian society are great and numerous. These achievements have paved the way for outstanding advancements in technology that allow us to live the lives we live today and to do the things that we are so accustomed to doing, such as typing this paper using this computer with a spinning hard disk a writing system.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What Is Enterprise Application Integration Information Technology Essay

What Is Enterprise Application Integration Information Technology Essay We are living in a world of rapid technological change. Organizations are demanding more functionality from integrated applications; new computing techniques to reuse and repurpose legacy data, and quicker deployment of technology to suit rapidly changing structures and business focus. And some of these drivers actually contain contradictions which must be simpler, but it has to be compliant with a raft of complex requirements; organizations want it quickly. They want it designed to meet the future to be competitive in the market, but with taking into consideration valuable data that have been accumulated in the past. Some fundamentally new ways of thinking about technology are emerging to manage this complex set of requirements using existing technologies but putting them together quite differently. There is a high competition between organizations worldwide, technology and business process together must be integrated so as to compete in such a market. (Thomas Gulledge, 2006) This paper will discuss the difference between Enterprise Application Integration and Service Oriented Architecture. And will clarify many misconceptions between them. This paper is compromised of three main sections. The first section gives an overview of enterprise application integration. The second section gives an overview on service oriented architecture and web-services. Finally the last section discussing the relationship between enterprise application integration and service oriented architecture. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): What is EAI? Supply chain management applications (for managing inventory and shipping), customer relationship management applications (for managing current and potential customers), business intelligence applications (for finding patterns from existing data from operations), and other types of applications (for managing data such as human resources data, health care, internal communications, etc) typically cannot communicate with one another in order to share data or business rules throughout a company. Enterprise application integration (EAI) is the process of linking such applications within a single organization together in order to simplify and automate business processes to the greatest extent possible, while at the same time avoiding having to make sweeping changes to the existing applications or data structures (Wilfried Limahieu, et al., 2003). Enterprise application integration (EAI) is defined by Linthicum (1999) EAI is the unrestricted sharing of data and business processes among any connected applications and data source in the enterprise, However researchers have different perspective on defining it as some suggested inter-organizational Application Integration as the highest level of EAI and others suggested it as a part of external and internal Application Integration, so It can be considered as two types intra and inter-organizational AI. It is considered as a framework that is formed of a collection of technologies and services forming a middleware allowing the integration of different systems across the enterprise such as legacy systems, enterprise resource planning systems, and best-of-breed business. It is considered as a business computing term for the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise (Bouchaib Bahli and Fei Ji, 2007). It usually comes in the form of middleware connecting such kind of applications that are usually running on different systems and databases making a difficulty of communicating and sharing information within the enterprise. One large challenge of EAI is that the various systems that need to be linked together often reside on different operating systems, use different database solutions and different computer languages, and in some cases are legacy systems that are no longer supported by the vendor who originally created them (Mrinos Themistocleous, et al., 2001) EAI uses and purposes: EAI serves different purposes throughout an enterprise that allows organizations to be more flexible and responsive to market demands improving their efficiency, some of these uses are data integration, vendor independence and common facade. (Mrinos Themistocleous, et al., 2001) 2.2.1. Data integration: Data Integration is also well known as Enterprise Information Integration (EII) which is considered as the integration of information used for viewing all the data within the organization and representing them. Its goal is to get data from various data sources to appear to a system user as a single unified data source. It ensures that information in multiple systems is kept consistent. It works by providing homogenous data representations to a range of wide data sources, By providing a front end tool by which users can access data from many different databases, the software can greatly increase the efficiency of business processes that rely on these disparate databases. 2.2.2. Process Integration: Full benefit will be extracted from computer systems, only by making resources available to every single process and user within an enterprise. Unfortunately, the development of department specific systems has encouraged applications becoming more isolated and available only to a small portion of the enterprise; this kind of isolation is called islands of automation. EAI software offers the opportunity to make a connection and removing the gap between these applications. Whereas data integration standardizes data across an enterprise, process integration standardizes access to the technology and resources. It is finally considered as the linking of business processes across applications. 2.2.3 Vendor independence: As mentioned EAI software is designed for allowing integration of new applications. By extracting rules and business policies from current data and applications and implementing them in the EAI system, it becomes possible to apply these rules to new applications added in the future with little disruption, that even if one of the business applications is replaced with a different vendors application, the business rules do not have to be re-implemented. 2.2.4 Common facade: An EAI system offers a complete front-end solution, a front-end for a cluster of applications, providing a single consistent access interface to these applications. Single interface helps in reducing the complexity of many business processes throughout and enterprise, Moreover will remove the necessity of training users to operate a range of different applications, so a small basic training can be sufficient for allowing users to operate the EAI interface in a professional manner. Barriers to effective EAI and implementation pitfalls: EAI projects suffers from a nearly 70% of failure. These failures was not due to a software problem nor a technical one, however almost were due to management issues. According to EAI Industry Consortium workshop there are seven main pitfalls that were taken by companies using EAI systems explaining solutions to each problem.( Gian Trotta, ebizQ, 2003; Marinos Themistocleous, 2004) Change is constant: EAI require changes frequently in different components, spreading across value chains into companies as an integrated business process. Budgeting in the end of a particular project gets companies into trouble when service level and many requirements increase after deployment, thats the reason companies should create a post project investment that allows more than for basic maintenance. EAI skills are rare: The market suffers from a lack in persons that have skills considering EAI complex parallel processing and data combinations which can distract programmers and other staff who are used to a straight line approach. Moreover organizations that prefer the third party vendor route must be aware of its drawbacks. In addition, local language, Knowledge transfer and issue contingencies should be considered. Standards are never universal: Sometimes vendors deviate from inconsistent specifications and from different standards bodies such as those for Web services. On top of that, these standards bodies often have quite a heavy involvement from vendors, and vendors might be deciding to pursue their own agendas. Since standards cant guarantee interoperability, companies should budget for testing and validation, though relying on standards. Thinking of EAI as a tool as opposed to a system: Other critical organizational issue which was not realized till companies experienced it was a failure to realize that EAI can sometimes be difficult to control and sometimes affects other projects and service levels throughout and beyond the enterprise. It requires a set of tools and some procedures to deal with things such as security, capacity, change management and monitoring. Here comes roles and responsibilities, in which business analysts are responsible for defining the flows, IT people are the ones responsible for the actual execution and EAI administrators who interface with both business and IT staff, and finally Competence Centers are highly recommended. Treating interfaces as a science as opposed to an art: IT staff prefers solving problems using analytic solutions and inaccurate definitions to solve business unit requirements; however EAI is about linking those business components together while maintaining the value of business data. Thats the reason why building some kind of negotiation process that everybody agrees with would be a plus. That will help in resolving issues with the business departments. Without taking that into account time will be lost, deadlines will be exceeded and finally the service delivered will lack in quality considering business needs. Discarding details along the way: Within an organization as its EAI system expands, information that may seem unimportant today may become important. As an example operational requirements often differ beyond the project development stage. Keeping a record of definitions, structures, interfaces and flows, and gathering statistics would decrease lots of effort later on when it is needed. Companies must look at such kind of information at a much higher level, that one day they might need it. EAI implementation should be extensible and modular to be flexible for future changes. Unclear accountability and protectionism: Lots of companies suffers from unclear accountability as business driven integration has a need to cross corporate boundaries, engage partners, and even touch customers. As an example when there is a run time issue, it has to be addressed in some kind of coordinated fashion combining both business and IT skills. Moreover applications whose data is being integrated sometimes belong to different departments that have cultural, technical and political reasons for preventing their data to be shared with other departments. It makes it so difficult considering internal corporate politics which could take months trying to resolve simple questions like Where does the help desk report? Benefits and advantages of EAI: Imagine a company having many systems each serving a certain department and not connected nor integrated together, such a company will fall apart and will not be able to compete in the business any more as lack of communication leads to inefficiencies, EAI is the soluble glue needed for modular relationships that allow organizations to be flexible and responsive to market demands, thats the reason an integration is required (Thomas Pushmann and Rainer Alt, 2004). EAI benefits can be categorized into four groups operational, managerial, strategic, and technical. The operational benefit is that it increases productivity, improves planning in supply chain management and quick response to change. Shifting to the managerial benefit it results into more organized business process, increases the performance, improves data quality, and supports decision making. EAI strategic benefit would be that it increases collaboration between partners, achieves return on investment (ROI) and customer satisfaction. And finally the forth and last category which is the technical benefits in which it reduces the redundancy of tasks and data, having an integrated process, increases flexibility, and reduces development risks. It also allows organizations to do business more effectively. (Marinos Themistocleous, 2004) It allows diverse systems to connect with one another quickly to share data, communicate, and processes the information silos that plague many businesses. EAI solutions provide a way to connect the systems of collaborators, partners, and others for as long as necessary, decoupling when the relationship ends. EAI is the soluble glue for the modular corporation. It not only integrate various enterprise applications it also provides better customers and supplier services applications, and aid in promoting organizational goals. There are many cited advantages of implementing EAI, including an increased operational performance, a higher customer satisfaction. Moreover, EAI is not only about an ad hoc response to business needs, but also about gaining competitive advantage and strategic use of information technology (Themistocleous and Irani, 2002). Finally EAI is the unrestricted sharing of data and business processes throughout the networked applications or data sources in an organization. It provides real time information access among systems, helps raise organizational efficiency, and maintains information integrity across multiple systems. It is facilitates the integration problems that ERP systems failed to solve and facilitates market and economical growth.(Bouchaib Bahli and Fei Ji, 2007) Drawbacks and disadvantages of EAI: However, given all the benefits of EAI, many companies hesitate to adopt EAI technology. High initial development costs, especially for small and mid-sized businesses, require a fair amount of up front business design, which many managers are not able to envision or not willing to invest in. One drawback of EAI is that the various systems that need to be linked together often reside on different operating systems, use different database solutions and different computer languages, and sometimes there are legacy systems that are outdated and no longer supported by the vendor. In some cases, such systems are dubbed because they consist of components that have been jammed together in a way that makes it very hard to modify them in any way. In addition that EAI costs a lot, it introduces changes to organizations and the way of doing their business. Moreover it is more likely to be implemented in large organizations than in companies. Finally most EAI projects usually start off as point to point efforts, quickly becoming unmanageable as the number of applications increase. .(Marinos Themistocleous, 2004). Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): .What is SOA?: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be decomposed as follows; an architecture style as a combination of distinctive features in which architecture is performed, supporting service orientation which is a way of thinking in terms of services and its outcomes. In which a service in SOA is a reusable component for using in a business process, it is a logical representation of a repeatable business activity that has a specified outcome and may be composed of other services. (Mark Colan, 2004; Barbara Reed, 2008) SOA is defined differently, however the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) an IT industry standards body defined as follows: A paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to offer, discover, interact with and use capabilities to produce desired effects consistent with measurable preconditions and expectations. Others defined SOA as An architectural design principle that describes a set of guidelines, principles and techniques by which business processes, information and technology assets can be effectively (re) organized and (re) deployed to support and enable strategic plans and productivity levels that are required by competitive business environments. (Rense M. Balk, 2006,2008). It is a set of design principles used during the phases of systems development and integration in computing. A system that is a SOA based will be integrated and can be used within multiple systems across many business domains. It is considered as a type of architecture that integrates different disparate applications for a web based environment using multiple implementation platforms. Service-orientation requires loose coupling of services with operating systems, and other technologies that underlie applications. SOA separates functions into distinct units, or services, which developers make accessible over a network in order to allow users to combine and reuse them in the production of applications. It is an architectural concept in which all functions, or services, are defined using a description language usually Extensible Markup Language (XML) and where their interfaces are discoverable over a network. The interface is defined in a neutral manner that is independent of the hardwa re platform, the operating system, and the programming language in which the service is implemented. These services communicate together using loose coupling without effecting other ones. (Jean-Louis Marà ©chaux,2006) Properties and principles of a Service Oriented Architecture: A Service Oriented Architecture is a style of architecture that embodies the following principles and elements: Services loose coupling: Services should be able to interact without the need for tight dependencies, in which a service requester should be loosely coupled to a service provider. This means that the service requester has no knowledge of the technical details of the providers implementation, such as the programming language and deployment platform. The service requester operates by sending a request message and a response one. The loose coupling allows the internal structure of requester or provider components to change, without impacting the other, provided that the message schema stays the same. (Sefan Linders, 2008; Mark Colan 2004; Rense M. Balk, 2006-2008) Services are autonomous: Services have control over the logic they encapsulate and do not depend on other services. Allowing the service to take care of its processing making it independent from other ones. Service autonomy is a primary consideration when deciding how application logic should be divided up into services (Rense M. Balk, 2006-2008; Sefan Linders, 2008) . Standardized and well-defined Service Contract: Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service-description documents it provides information on the service end point, the operations of the service, and the messages supported by each operation. This information is needed for a service requester to connect to a service provider and invoke the service. A service should have a well-defined interface that is mentioned and described in a service contract or its service definition. (Sefan Linders, 2008; Rense M. Balk, 2006-2008) Services internal structure is hidden: The only part of a service that is visible to the users is what is only needed. The underlying logic of the service is invisible and irrelevant to service requesters. Components using the service should not know or care about the implementation logic of a service, but just want the expected result to be returned. (Sefan Linders, 2008) SOA Requirements: In order to efficiently use a Service Oriented Architecture and to overcome problems, the architecture must meet the following requirements: (Edward Tuggle, Jr.,et al ,2003) Analyzing and considering the existing assets. Some times the existing systems are totally neglected; however it still has a great value. Existing system must be integrated and taken into consideration, in which overtime they will be replaced Support all required types of integration including User Interaction providing a single and interactive user experience, Application Connectivity facilitating communications, Information Integration for sharing enterprise data, being able to add new applications and services, and Process Integration. Interoperability among different systems and programming languages that provides the basis for integration between applications on different platforms through a communication protocol. Allowing the implementation of new computing models such as Grid computing and on-demand computing. Allowing the migration of assets and incremental implementations for the production of incremental ROI. Lots of integration projects have failed due to cost and unmanageable implementation schedules. Include a development environment that will be built around a standard component framework, promote better reuse of modules and systems, allow legacy assets to be migrated to the framework, and allow for the timely implementation of new technologies. Understanding web services: A misconception is that web services is a synonym of SOA; however web services are based on open standards that are independent from any implementation platform, it is a set of technologies including The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) (Mark Colan, 2004). A suitable technology is needed for the implementation of a SOA that can support the principles of service-orientation and there is no technology has been more suitable and successful in implementing SOA than web services. Other technologies can be employed as well for implementing an SOA, All major vendor platforms currently support the creation of service-oriented solutions with the understanding that the SOA support provided is based on the use of web services. The web services framework consists of a collection of technologies that apply to the use of services. (A.D. Phippen, et al.,2004; Sefan Linders, 2008). SOA presents the big picture of what can be made with Web services. Web services specifications define the details needed to implement services and interact with them (Mark Colan, 2004) . In a web service approach, each SOA block can play one or both of two rules a service provider which creates a web service and possibly publishes its interface and access information to the service registry. Secondly a service consumer or web service client which locates entries in the broker registry using various find operations and then binds to the service provider in order to invoke one of its web services (Edward Tuggle, Jr. et al., 2003) SOA Benefits: A question may arise for the reason of using SOA? Some of the key benefits are as follows: 3.5.1. Reusability: The principles that were discussed drive the opportunities for reuse of services. As an example autonomy and loose coupling of services results in independency of services, this broadens the applicability of its reusable functionality; hiding underlying logic adapts reusability, because service requesters are presented a generic public interface; A well-defined service promotes reuse also, because it allows service requestors to search and discover reusable services .Service orientation promotes the design of reusable services; Creating a library of services that support reuse, provides increased opportunities for leveraging existing application logic. When new application logic is built, the time for designing, developing, testing, and deploying the application can be reduced when the required logic is available in existing services, enabling composition of services, rather than developing all application logic from scratch (Sefan Linders, 2008). Efficient integration: Using communication standards such as web services on the design of services it can result in the creation of solutions that consist of inherently interoperable services in which the functionality of services becomes independent of the implementation platform. Meaning that services can communicate using the same protocol even though it resides on different platforms. Theoretically, when all services are designed according to the same standards, an access to any service is applicable from a service requester from any device, using any operating system, in any programming language. When application logic is represented by standardized services, creating interaction between them requires less effort since the communication proceeds using the same protocol. SOA can therefore significantly reduce the efforts of application integration over other methods. The benefit of interoperability does not only apply to services that are built from scratch, but also applies to legacy systems (Apostol os Malatras, et al. 2008; Sefan Linders, 2008). Agility and adaptability: Agility of an organization is the speed to which an organization copes to changes in an environment. Through the opportunities for both reusability and integration, SOA can increase the ability of the organization to cope with changes. Agility of an organization depends in part on the agility of the application logic that supports the business processes of the organization. An IT environment that is standardized, interoperable and reusable services establishes a more adaptive organization, in which automation solutions can be delivered faster, with less effort involved (Sefan Linders, 2008). EAI and SOA Relationship: 4.1. Evolution or revolution: Some misbelieves is that EAI is a thing of past and SOA is the new thing that is replacing it, this is just like if a person says transportation is a thing of past now road is here. SOA is more like EAI than a lot of software vendors would have believe. In fact, in many vendors offerings, especially the ones labeled ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) have changed very little from their EAI roots. Simply adding web services support to a product that already supports multiple protocols is not a radical improvement. SOA most likely includes messaging particularly for legacy integration. EAI also implements loose coupling though message queues and or publish subscribe messaging (Greg Deller, 2008). Many of the best practices of EAI apply directly to SOA. EAI concept of interfaces is a message publisher and subscriber. There are four types of EAI where integration projects fall; information portals, data replication, shared business function and service-oriented architecture; in which when there are enough useful services available in a company, new applications can be built by reusing already existing services only (Robert Thullner, 2008; P. Joshi, H.Singh and A.D. Phippen 2004). Companies that were doing a good job with EAI will have an easier time with SOA. They have untangled the spaghetti bowl of interfaces and now service enabling them will be much simpler. Those who struggled or failed with EAI now have another chance with our newly relabeled technology. But simply slapping a web service in front of a tangle of interfaces and decades worth of dirty data will not realize the promise of SOA. There is still a lot of heavy lifting to do and a need for a well defined approach and a set of best practices. (Robert Thullner, 2008) A SOA web services and EAI: An assumption that web services are the tools for building EAI could be made.. Integration can be done with web services, but it is a very heavyweight approach. There are many standards that is developed which should build the fundament for a widespread acceptance and usage of web services. The standards are UDDI for the registry component, WSDL for describing interfaces of services, and SOAP protocol communication between services. Many other standards have been developed around these principles supporting web services growth, they are usually referred as WS- standards. A WS- standard could be messaging (SOAP, WS-Addressing), description and discovery (UDDI, WSDL), reliability (WSReliable Messaging), transactions (WS Coordination), security (WS-Security), business processes (BPEL) and management (WSManageability) . Those WS-* standards would cover all topics which are needed for an EAI solution, BPEL can be used to build business processes and for management of the EAI solution mana gement standards can be used. SOAP can be used for messaging and can be extended by WS-Reliably Messaging to ensure that a message gets delivered. Web services standards are all based on XML and when implementing an EAI solution a lot of XML configuration files have to be written to get a working solution. The three main standards SOAP, WSDL and UDDI have been accepted by all vendors. All other standards have been developed to solve a specific problem in the web services domain. As soon as standards are broadly accepted by all major vendors of EAI solutions the web service technology can be a reasonable and effective approach for EAI solutions (Greg Deller, 2008; Robert Thullner, 2008). Research Gap: While going through the literature there are to many limitations and gaps. This is mainly because researches do not focus on EAI and SOA, in which there are lots of misconceptions present due to the lack of research on them. Some of the limitations are that SOA is a confusing term to managers, because technologists do not share a common understanding of service-oriented concepts. If technologists present the concepts from different perspectives, then confusion persists. In fact, SOA is not well understood by managers, and the business benefits are even less understood. For that reason, companies are slowly investing in SOA mitigating risk through pilot projects and being very cautious. Moreover experience in SOA and EAI is rare and as a result the academic research on them. Moreover according to Sefan Linders (2008), none of the identified benefits of SOA were based on empirical findings. Conclusion: In this paper, we examined the difference between enterprise application integration and service oriented architecture. In the first section of the paper, Enterprise application integration is generally discussed with its benefits, drawbacks to an organization, and its barriers including the rare skills and thinking of EAI as a tool opposed to a system. In the second section service oriented architecture was examined discussing its principles and requirements for preventing future problems. Afterwards the concept of web services was explained followed by SOA benefits. Finally the relationship between both EAI and SOA was discussed explaining how can both work together.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

PhyloCode and Linnean Systems of Classification

PhyloCode and Linnean Systems of Classification Cells Classification Introduction: Classification is the act of placing objects in groups based on characteristics which involves naming and describing different kinds of organisms and species. Historically, this was done by using physical characteristics which is known as the Linnean System. The modern system, the PhyloCode, uses a variety of different techniques which are DNA and RNA sequences in the proteins and genes.DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid that is present in nearly all living organisms this is the molecule that is the carrier of genetic information and assists with identification (Genetics Home Reference, 2017). RNA is a Ribonucleic Acid that is a nucleic acid found in all living cells, this relays messages from the DNA and controls the proteins (What is RNA, N.D.). Using Classification throughout biology is critical as it assists scientists to group together and give organisms the correct names as they are to be identified based on DNA and RNA. There are several characteristics such as genetics, physical appearance and background. It is important to use classification so as any unknown organisms can be correctly identified (SOCRATIC, N.D.). Body: The Linnean System was developed by a Swedish scientist by the name of Carolus Linnaeus. He discovered that it was easier to create a standard system for naming species, as there was to many names for different species which were too long. He developed the two-part system called Binomial Nomenclature, these names are all scientific and written in the language of Latin. For example, a cat is Felis Catus and humans are Homo Sapiens. Carolus introduced Taxonomy which was a system used in assisting the grouping of organisms, after many years this system is still utilised today. He used this Linnean System to identify living things and give them a classification; this was an easy system to be able to sort the organisms using the names under headings of Life, Domain, Kingdom Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. The species that are the same can reproduce; where as organisms from the same Kingdom may not be similar (, 2017). The advantage of the Linnean System was that changes could be made to this classification system and many years later other additions were added and updated, although there are limitations where this system is limited to groups that must be named with suffixes that signify their rank in this hierarchy, by reclassifying existing species this can make changes in rank and many taxonomic groups would need renaming (The Linnean System, 2016). Â   The set of rules for controlling Phylogenetic Nomenclature is called PhyloCode, which is designed to name the parts of the tree of life which branches out into three different categories; bacteria, archae and eukaryotes. This is classed as an evolutionary tree which displays the relationship between different groups of organisms. Their differences are genes and characteristics. The PhyloCode doesnt name individual species but a cluster or group of species also known as a clade which share a common ancestor. The advantage of the PhyloCode is that it allows naming the ranks and avoids name changes that are made from non-scientific decisions. This also reduces errors made by taxonomists. PhyloCode has many benefits as it doesnt name an individual species name but instead a cluster or group of species (American Scientist, 2017). The Linnean system has been used by scientists since the mid 1700,s and is still current, this is the governing body and rules for classification and has been favoured by scientists for many years, whereas the PhyloCode is unsure on how to convert names of species and controls only clade names. As scientists do further study, organisms may be placed into two different species as all organisms where identified as belonging to a single species, they were grouped together as they may have been similar in appearance, with the invention of DNA and technology, there can be changes in classification (American Scientist, 2017). The PhyloCode is more beneficial system for the future as the Linnean System has been used for many years (since mid 1700s). By creating a new system, the world of science will revolutionise as PhyloCode is more straightforward and simple system for modern day scientists and students. New information can be implemented as it is researched. Conclusion: Both, PhyloCode and Linnean System are ways of classifying organisms and biologists spend time on identifying and naming these organisms, this is very important for scientists so they can be grouped properly and as there are still unknown organisms, they need to be identified correctly as well. Planet earth has many different species. Bibliography Anon., 2008. Domains. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 15 03 17]. Anon., 2016. The Linnean System. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 03 17]. Anon., 2017. Genetics Home Reference. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 15 03 17]. Anon., 2017. Mnemonic Devices Memory Tools. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 15 03 17]. Anon., 2017. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 03 17]. Anon., N.D.. Amateur Entomologists Society. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 03 17]. Anon., N.D.. Google. [Online] Available at:*[Accessed 15 03 17]. Anon., N.D.. SOCRATIC. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 03 17]., 2017. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 03 17]. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

Slave Narratives :: American America History

Slave Narratives The Middle Passage was almost inconceivable. Hundreds upon hundreds of Africans were abducted from their homes to go on boats to America. They were stacked like books on shelves in order to bring enough Negros for a profitable slave trade. The life on the boats on the way to the New World was so bad that the Africans preferred death to their gruesome future. The conditions on the boats were hellish. The slaves on the ships were packed like sardines and chained together. Among the gripping words that Olaudah Equiano, a slave abducted when he was just eleven years old, used to describe the Middle passage are hopeless, low, brutal, and wretched. The temperature in the disease- infested rooms was inconceivable. There was no fresh air for the Negro inhabitants. The feeling of shock and isolation only added to the sorrow and horror of the situation. Alexander Falconbridge, a surgeon aboard these slave ships, recalled that the "hot floor was covered with blood and mucus. It was like a slaughter-house." The sickening stench was great due to the loathsome filth from the pestilential heat. As Olaudah Equiano said, "sleep was the only [temporary] refuge." The dejection and despair of the circumstances caused many people to bitterly cry, shriek, and groan in inconceivable horror and fear. The savage cruelty of the slave traders and boat crew was ter rifying. The Negros were deprived of food and health treatments, and due to the crammed conditions this caused great waves of sickness and disease. These ships created an absolute hellish existence for the abandoned Africans aboard them. Although describable, the anguish of these people cannot be fully understood. The African's, due to these excruciating conditions, were completely and utterly terrified. During the slave trades, the noise and clamor was so frightening that many slaves attempted at running away in the tumult. On the boats, many people tried to jump overboard. Attempted suicide usually just increased the despair of the situation. Negros were punished for any attempt at escape or purposeful personal harm. If one did not eat, they were flogged until they ate the disgusting food. The slave traders expressed brutal cruelty to the slaves aboard the ships. They treated the Negros as if they were imported typical goods. They spent the least amount of effort and money in making the conditions aboard the boats tolerable in order to ensure a higher profitable outcome.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Labelling People Essay example -- essays research papers

Labelling A label defines an individual as a certain kind of person. Defining an act as deviant or criminal is not a simple straight forward process. A label is not neutral, it contains an evaluation of the person to whom it is applied. It is a ‘Master Status’ in the sense that it overshadows all the other statuses possessed by the individual. If an individual is labelled as criminal, mentally ill or gay, such labels tend to override the individuals status as father, husband, worker, friend or neighbour. Whether or not the label is applied will depend on how the act is interpreted by the audience. This in turn will depend on who commits the act and where and when it was committed. Deviance is amongst other things a consequence of the response of others to a persons act. Students of deviance can not assume that they are dealing with a homogenous category. When they study people who have been labelled deviant (Howard Becker) If the agents of social control define youngsters as delinquents for breaking the law, those youngsters become deviant. They have been labelled as such by those who have the power to make labels stick. However Becker argued ‘deviance is not a quality that lies in behaviour itself but in the interaction between the person who commits an act and those who respond to it’. From this point of view, deviance is produced by a process of interaction between the potential deviant and the agents of control. Becker then examined the possible effects on an individual being labelled as deviant and that a deviant label can lead to further deviance. However, Becker argued that this process is by no means inevitable, ex-convicts do get jobs and go straight, drug addicts do sometimes give up their habit ... ...e due to lack of empirical support and a conservative political climate ( Becker (1963) believes the future of labelling lies in the widespread empirical study of deviance and the various kinds of deviance. In conclusion, once an individual is labelled deviant, the pressure within society to conform to the ‘said norm’ is an ever demanding and increasing pressure. Whilst the intention of the said individual may well be to follow the path of ‘ normal individuals’, once labelled, for whit ever reason it is ever increasingly difficult to return to the ‘normal way of life’ without this shadow overwhelming most. References Becker H.S. 1963 Outsiders The Free Press New York (Pg 9) Becker H.S. 1963 Outsiders The Free Press New York (Holstein 1993, (

The Problem of Loneliness :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Problem of Loneliness In theology class, loneliness was defined as the experience of being disconnected, unrelated, or cut off from the Other. The Other is something that fulfills a dimension of the human person, that pushes one to enter into relationships, be it with God or another human. In core humanities we examined St. Augustine’s spiritual autobiography, The Confessions of St. Augustine, and credited him with defining the concept. However, many other writers since Augustine’s time have also worked with this notion of loneliness. Dante while writing his famous cantos about the afterlife and, more recently, Sr. Helen Prejean in her novel Dead Man Walking both eloquently elaborated on the idea that it is necessary for humans to enter into relationships. Humanity’s need for the Other becomes more and more apparent in Dante’s Inferno as Dante descends deeper into Hell. In the upper circles of Hell, Dante describes punishments that fit the various sins the sinners committed while they were alive. The sinners are punished with an overindulgence of their sin. For instance, the circle of the angry is filled with angry people who yell at each other for eternity just as the circle of the wrathful is filled with wrathful people who will, similarly, hit each other for eternity. While being placed in these circles is not desirable, it should be noted that the sinners do have contact with one another and, in a demented way, are happy because they are getting to do what they most wanted to do on Earth. When Dante crosses the wall of Dis, he begins to describe more severe punishments; what was described in class as "Little Mermaid Hell" disappears. Pain is now inflicted from a source outside the sinners. Actual physical pain becomes an issue. For instance, one group of sinners is described as being torn limb from limb by devils and then thrown back into a river of boiling blood. At this point the reader should notice that the sinners are no longer able to interact with each other. Dante illustrates this lack of contact even more clearly when he reaches the deepest regions of Hell. There, Dante describes how the sinners are kept completely isolated from one another in blocks of ice. Virgil, Dante’s guide, informs Dante that the worst sinners are punished in this fashion because their sins completely cut them off from the rest of humanity. And, just as in the rest of Dante’s Hell, these sinners are placed in Hell according to what their actions were on Earth.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Legend Essay

Ernest Hemingway is the ideal of an American legend, rugged, no-nonsense, with personal adventures rivaled only by those in his groundbreaking fiction.   His sparse newspaper style created a literary furor and his success came early and grew until the day he died.   In addition to his canonical novels, Hemingway was also adept at short fiction, including one only six-words long.   Besides, his male bravado, he also managed to capture the alienating effects of modern life in his fiction.   The modern themes of abortion, feminism, and alienation are expressed simply and eloquently in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.† In the short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,† Hemingway explores modern alienation in a tense discussion between a couple waiting for a train.   Two Americans in Spain, the man is trying to pressure the woman into some operation, though it is never revealed what this operation is.   Throughout the tense, yet sparse conversation, the man insists she have the operation, yet the woman resists.   It becomes increasingly clear that the operation they discuss may be an abortion, and the tension between the two symbolizes something uniquely modern.   Though abortions have been performed for centuries, it remained taboo until the twentieth century. Hemingway, though never specifically citing abortion as the subject in the story, displays the alienating effect it has on relationships and couples:   â€Å"‘It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig,’ the man said. ‘It’s not really an operation at all.’   The girl looked at the ground the table legs rested on. ‘I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in’† (Hemingway).   The man refuses to completely acknowledge the significance of the situation, perhaps suggesting either his refusal or dismissal of Jig’s role as a woman worthy of making her own decision. According to critic Paul Lankin, â€Å"as the man persists in opposing the continuance of Jig’s maternity, he grossly oversimplifies the issue, even to the point of self-contradiction, calling abortion first ‘an awfully simple operation’ and then ‘not really an operation at all’† (234).   His dismissive attitude speaks of a former socially acceptable condescension by men towards women during a time when women were often treated as second class citizens.   This frank discussion between the man and the woman seems only possible in modern literature and seems unimaginable during Victorian times. The tension between the man and the girl is palpable in the short story.   Though they are travelers, imbibing alcohol and waiting for the train to their next destination, the conversation is filled with underlying themes of male dominance and female perseverance.   The man continuously belittles the girl’s feelings towards the pregnancy, and his argument includes many attempts at downplaying the importance.   The man persistently tries to convince her, even though he seems to feign sincerity in much of his words: â€Å"‘Well,’ the man said, ‘if you don’t want to you don’t have to.   I wouldn’t have you do it if you didn’t want to.   But I know it’s perfectly simple’† (Hemingway).    The girl does her best to contend with the man, believing that if she listens to him the relationship will be back to normal.   She hides her worry with levity, including her comment about the hills looking like white elephants.   It becomes apparent that more than fear over the procedure, the girl is coming to the realization that her relationship with the man is not what she thought it was: â€Å"the girl clings to a dream of family and togetherness until the last minute, and finally decides to give it all up as the requisite price of staying with the man-not knowing, as the reader does, from the many hints provided by Hemingway, that the man is likely to leave her, even if she goes through with the abortion† (Hashmi 3). Her final declaration that she is fine is the affirmation that a man cannot dictate her womanhood and her life decisions.   In the end, she becomes the one with the strength and wisdom, understanding that the relationship is forever changed.   The newfound disconnect between the man and the girl will be permanent after this episode, exemplifying the theme of alienation brought by many modern decisions. Though the man believes that the only way to preserve the comfortable relationship is to maintain the status quo, even if it means aborting their baby, the woman disagrees.   The American tries to make himself sound perfectly reasonable and rational, but as the dialogue continues, it becomes clear that he is both selfish and hypocritical (â€Å"Overview: Hills Like White Elephants†). The couple’s disagreement, about something as monumental as creating human life, is a clear sign that they have little that bonds them other than their superficiality.   The girl even comments in the beginning of the story how, â€Å"That’s all we do, isn’t it – look at things and try new drinks?’† The man responds, â€Å"I guess so† (Hemingway).   Later, when the man claims that everything will be the same after the abortion and the baby is the only thing that made them unhappy, it seems like a statement lacking all truth. The very fact that keeping or aborting a baby is a choice, is a uniquely modern issue.   The reality of having to even consider it completely destroys their carefree lifestyle as travelers in Europe, and underlines their existences as solitary beings alienated from each other.   Ironically, the man claims that he only wants her and no one else, but his statements seem insincere. The girl realizes their alienation from each other and the happiness they once knew with the â€Å"claim that Europe ‘isn’t ours anymore,’ which expresses her knowledge that such an innocent return to a secularized American-in-Europe experience of time is impossible† (Grant 3).   Europe is not theirs to share, seemingly as if enjoyment is also no longer theirs to share.   The complexity of their modern dilemma illustrates the true distance between them. Hemingway’s story is one that could only be written during modern times.   Though not many years removed from the Victorian Age, the themes of abortion, feminine independence, and modern alienation have continued to echo throughout the literature of modernity.   While short and devoid of lengthy descriptions, the dialogue and significant themes give â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† a lasting power that only continues to grow as time goes by. Works Cited: Grant, David. â€Å"Hemingway’s ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ and the tradition of the American in Europe.† Studies in Short Fiction. Summer, 1998. 25 July 2008. . Hashmi, Nilofer. â€Å"‘Hills Like White Elephants’: The Jilting Of Jig.† The Hemingway Review.   Fall 2003. 25 July 2008. . Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.† The Heath Anthology of American Literature.   Lauter, Paul.   3rd Ed.   Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.† Short Stories for Students, Vol. 6. The Gale Group, 1999. Lankin, Paul. â€Å"Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants.† The Explicator. Summer 2005; v63.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Checkpoint Jsbmha and Hipaa Case Study

Checkpoint: JSBMHA and HIPAA Case Study Phoebe Edwards Carrie Cooper 4/18/13 1. How does HIPPA serve to protect patient rights? A patient’s health information can be shared with doctors and hospitals for treatment and care. The information can also be shared with family members who the patient has given permission to access the patient’s records. HIPPA’s guidelines make clear exactly what information about patients is protected. Called PHI, this information includes anything that would identify a patient, from name, Social Security numbers and addresses to broader identifiers like race, age and home state.Information about the person’s health care needs or medical history is also considered PHI. HIPPA guidelines dictate that this information cannot be shared except in particular instances, including when the individual patient requests their own personal information, or when privacy investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services requires it. 2. What areas of the JSBMHA did HIPAA compliance impact? HIPPA has a great impact on the patients’ rights, all areas of the JSBMHA is affected by these two individuals. It affected the patients, and put the agency in an awkward position.It affected the grandmother which she can make others aware about what happened and this could affect the agency negatively. People who are involved with the agency could make people feel uncomfortable about giving them any information. And this mean any information is not safe at JSBMHA, and the trust has been violated. 3. What actions should the JSBMHA director take about the HIPAA violation? I think that both of them should get suspended, this is a serious violation. They have put JSBMHA in a very bad situation and have lost the trust of the family.Jim know better ,because he has been with JSBMHA for a long time, longer then Betty, he should have told her that she should have not be talking about these clients outside of the office. I think that Jim should get fired because he know ‘s better, after being at the JSMHA for 20 years is a long time to be with JSMHA and it is more than enough time to know and understand the rules. Jim was supposed to be an example to Betty, someone who Betty can learn from. JSMHA should fired Jim and Betty because Jim did not tell about the HIPAA rules.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Young Love and Relationships

Young Love and Relationships Everybody feels love at one time or another, be it a love for a family member or a friend. Some people fall in and out of love on a regular basis while others take time to find just the right one. Everyone experiences this differently. Love between two people is distinct and exceptional. Although being in love with someone is easy and free, love is still a powerful emotion that can build and destroy. Since majority of the youth in our society start with their first love and relationship at the age of thirteen, many are also fooled.Many confuse true love with infatuation. Although this is not entirely a bad thing, still many are often caught in sticky situations. (i. e. Pre-marital Sex, Teenage Pregnancy, Heartbreak, Suicide) Objectively, Webster says that the meaning of true love is a  sweetheart or  a  truly  loving  or  loved  person. Furthermore more, Webster also defines relationships as an emotional and sexual association between two pe ople. As for me, I believe that true love and relationships are the ones that God continuously give us. In 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NIV), it is said that â€Å"Love is patient; love is kind.It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight on evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects; always trusts; always hopes; always perseveres. † True love is often confused with romantic love (infatuation) since both are all consuming and overwhelming, and if teenagers are not guided well, things can spiral out of hand. But when guided and founded with the will of God, years would go by as love develops into a real and secure emotional.The verse stated above shows what true love is really about. True love never asks for anything in return; it never gets tired of giving. But amidst all these, giving still has its boundaries. That is why everybody, mainly teens should know that unconditional love has nothing to do with sex, exploitation or subjugation. Right now, teenage girls around the world are getting pregnant because they thought having sex with their boyfriend proves love. But what did they get? Being left behind, an ounce of heartbreak and a baby to take care of at such a young age.Was getting their lives destroyed worth the few hours of pleasure in bed? I believe not. However, some are pressured into marriage as a sense of responsibility, but statistics show that although things may start like a fairytale, ninety percent of the teens that get married due to unplanned pregnancy get divorced or separated within a span of six years. You see, there is a right time for everything, for real love waits for that. Love never fails to forgive and it sacrifices for the other, but these sacrifices should have its limits – one that would ensure that no one gets hurt.Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwright and love advocate, compared romantic love to being intoxicated in his play â€Å"The Tempest†. Romantic love often clouds a person's judgment causing him to be confused on what the right decisions should be. It is like drug or alcohol that it takes over all the person's senses, somehow causing him to make many big decisions with all the wrong motives. Most of the time, lovers base their decisions on each other considering how they can be of help to each other. Together, they continuously grow emotionally and spiritually.Now, don't get me wrong. There is a big difference between depending on each other for the better and not being able to live without the other. The latter is a mere infatuation or romantic love. For example, a person in a long term and serious relationship gets offered his dream job, but the job requires him to move to another country, thus leaving his partner behind. The person being left behind would probably force the other to stay and because romantic love can be really selfless, he would stay. And what if he chooses to leave? What would you do?Would you stop living your life just because the other chose to live his dreams? In real love, both should be encouraging each other to fulfill their dreams whether or not they do it side by side or far away from each other. Love can wait. If two people are meant for each other God will make a way because the will of God can never be broken. He will be the One opening doors for the two persons to meet. Arnel Pineda once sang a song with the lyrics â€Å"too much love can kill you†, and indeed it can. In a relationship, be it just a fling or a serious one, we can never be sure if that relationship would last.We are never sure if the person we are with right now is the person we are going to be with in the next ten or twenty years. And when we love someone too much, we believe that we cannot live life without him. That is why losing him may cause us to stop living our lives. This is not real love. Just like an old s aying being passed around for centuries, â€Å"Too much of anything is bad. † This proves that truly loving someone should never be too much because true love does not cause harm, but instead brings harmony. Furthermore, True love is selfless; infatuation is too much.Since romantic love is extremely selfless, a person may sacrifice everything and simply live his life for the other. This is wrong because any relationship is not exceptional from conflicts. And to top it all, we don't know for sure if this person we are having a relationship with, is the one we would last with. That is why a relationship should have a strong foundation with God. It has to continuously grow according to God's commands and laws. We also have to be able to have something in our personal life to back us up. Something that would keep us busy if anything goes wrong with the relationship. i. e. Spiritual Lives, Family and Friends, School Organizations, Work)Loving and having relationships is really har d to understand. When our heart unites with another, we feel a strong connection being formed. But when the connection is cut without understanding, the results can be disastrous. (i. e. Suicide) These kinds of incidents can be avoided if we take time to reflect and slowly grow as wisdom and understanding comes. In our generation today, teens often rush into relationships without building a strong foundation to be able handle them.A heart without enough strength to handle the trials of a relationship is like standing on thin ice forcing it not to break. But no matter how hard we try to stop it from breaking, it will crack. That is why, love and relationships should not be rushed because there are many trials and situations that only time can face and overcome. Therefore, losing someone we love should not stop us from living because there is someone better, destined by the will of God, to be with us. Love comes with a lot of perks, but at the same time comes with great responsibility and understanding.There are numerous kinds of things a misguided love or relationship can cause, be it suicide, murder or pregnancy. These points must be taken into serious considerations to prevent people from committing the same mistakes over and over again. This is also for the youth to be more guided when it comes to loving and relationships because many young lives are at risk when it comes to an unguided relationship. That is why the youth should always be guided and must know all these responsibilities in order to have a good relationship, and of course, one that will develop to grow and last.Moreover, love is one of the most amazing feelings a person can feel if used in the right way. And in the end, love will always be a powerful force. Whether we let it work its magic or try to repress it, love is still and always will be an inevitable force that binds us all. Source: Dictionary meaning of true love. Retrieved from: http://www. merriam-webster. com/ Bible Verse. Retrieved from: http://www. biblegateway. com/ (2013). Marriage. Retrieved from: http://www. pregnancyoutreach. org/articles/marriage