Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Malthus And Africa

Africa, being a third world country with much economic oppression, is currently being debated in the General Assembly about whether or not it should have population control. Many experts believe that, if not controlled, the rate of the increasing population of Africa will have disastrous effects. Over two hundred years ago, a man by the name of Thomas Robert Malthus wrote an essay on the effects of population and the food supply titled  «An Essay on the Principle of Population.  » This essay dealt with the growth of population and if not restrained, how it would destroy man’s subsistence here on Earth (Geyer 1). Much of what he wrote applies to not only Africa, but also the entire world today. Currently, the population growth in the Western Nations is approaching zero. This means that each family is having 2. 1 children, enough to replace the current population. For North America to double, it would take one hundred years, for Europe, two hundred. But for Africa to double, it would take only twenty-four years. There are many factors as to why Africa, and many other third world countries, reproduces at such a rate. Lack of contraceptives, traditional values, high infant mortality, and poor education are a few of these actors (Duffey 2).  «It is a lot easier for a country to deal with its problems if it has less people, » says Brian Hailwel, who studies Malthus’s theories (Kolasky 1). Carl Haub who stated,  «It is almost impossible for a developing country to move from the Third World to the First World when their population is rising so rapidly » supports Hailwel’s statement. Malthus believed that the evolution of mankind existed in cycles. Good times occurred when there were high wages and good living conditions, which led to early marriages and rapid population increase. Then come the bad times. Disease, low ages, and epidemics lead to population decrease and a restored balance between population and resources. This cycle then repeats (Stundbia 4). He also felt that the Poor Laws, which attempted to support those whose incomes were too low to support themselves, were in the long run more harmful than helpful. This just leads to lower wages and families that can not support the children they already have bearing more. Many people seem to think that war, famine, and plague will help keep the world’s population restrained. These disasters are one of the two checks on the growth of population that Malthus identifies in  «An Essay on he Principle of Population.  » He called these two checks positive checks and preventative checks. Positive checks are famine, disease, and wars while preventive checks are celibacy, abortion, and late marriages. Africa participates very little in the second check Malthus identifies due to previously stated reasons. When Malthus wrote his essay, he did not take into account the impact technology would have on food production. Due to the  «Green Revolution » which brought about the tractor, refrigeration, chemical fertilizers, and genetic engineering, there was a tremendous increase in food production. Until the mid-eighties, food production kept up with population growth. Since then, it has been steadily declining. Grain production is declining due to soil erosion, waterlogging and salting of irrigated land, air pollution, water shortages, and overuse of land (Berntsen 3). Technological advances compensated for the loss of farmland. Even though less land can be used, more food is being produced. Unfortunately, there are many indications that the world is, at present, producing the maximum amount of food it is capable of. The combined effect of the loss of farmland and the peaking of yield er acre impose limitations. The same problem is in occurrence for the meat production. Nearly all of the world’s rangelands are in use. Seventy-percent of the world’s annual meat is range fed while the other thirty-percent is grain fed. The only room for growth is in the grain fed, and that is estimated to only grow another forty-two percent (Berntsen 2). Fish are also on the decline as a reliable resource for food. The destruction of spawning grounds and the use of mile-long nylon nets has caused the overharvesting of the ocean. A five- percent increase is optimistic (Berntsen 3). The result of the present being the peak in food production while the population is still growing is frightening. If food were to be distributed equally, the food supply would be ten pounds per week. Currently, Americans eat seventeen pounds of food per week. When the world population reaches approximately eleven billion in the year 2050, the food supply will be six to seven pounds per week, which is below the level of food people eat who live in poverty today (Berntsen 1). Malthus believed that three things cause the decline of living conditions: the overpopulation of young; the nability of resources to keep up with the rising human population; and the irresponsibility of the lower class (Simison 2). Malthus suggested a regulation on the size of families of the lower class to fight this. Tunisia, which is located in Northern Africa, has introduced birth control with remarkable results. If overpopulation is not checked, it leads to the crowding of people and the fight for food and water. This, in turn, leads to genocide and other means that are normally considered inappropriate as acceptable (Geyer 2). Equilibrium is what Malthus thought population should achieve. This is where the birth rate equals the death rate. When this is reached, wages will stay the same and any disturbances caused will have compensating changes (Stundbia 5). Malthus, who is credited for this idea, did not think the human population would ever achieve it. He figured that it would be exceeded, a positive check would result, and the cycle would start all over again. Taking Malthus’s theories into account, the only thing that will help Africa economically is for the population to be repressed. In fact, for the next generation or two, the reproduction level should be below the replacement rate. This dramatically decreases the population, therefore increasing the chances it has to grow and develop. If Africa’s population is not repressed, there will not be enough food to feed the people living there. Even First World countries will be unable to help, because they will need all the food they can produce. A gruesome famine will occur, with thousands dead. Africa will experience a major setback and may possibly never recover. I believe that much of Malthus’s theory is correct. Much of the data he used in the seventeen hundreds was incorrect, but his ideas still apply. The cycles he explained have proven to occur. Almost all of the world’s land that can be used is being used to produce the maximum yield. Scientists have predicted the world’s growth to reach eleven billion by the year 2050 if left unchecked. Many have also agreed that the maximum food supply is being produced. If countries such as Africa, whose population tripled from 1950 to today, do not curb their population growth, there will not be enough food to feed them, much less countries that are considerable better off economically. I also think that if Africa were to be educated and there was less oppression, the result would be lower population growth. The idea of allowing families to have only a certain amount of children is morally wrong. Some people seem to think that Malthus’s ideas are extinct and do not apply to the world today. They consider him and what he thought to be dead. But, as Pablo Neruda once said,  «Everything that is buried is not dead » (Geyer 1). He is still alive because his theories can still be applied to today. The consequences of not considering Malthus’s theory as a real threat are too great. For life to exist as we know it, population must be repressed. If not, man’s subsistence will be extinct.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Race Roits Essay

In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of there is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally we must treat them differently† – Harry A Blackman. It shows how racial tension between African Americans and whites provoked the riot because they were treated differently because of their race. The Chicago race riot occurred July 29, 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The riot occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and whites. The Chicago race riot occurred July 29, 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The riot occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and whites. The riot was provoked by inequality, racial tension, and discrimination Prejudice, wars, and inventions have been going on since the beginning of time, but in the 19th century that is when those three things are the most significant because it changed the atmosphere of the United States. First, in the 19th century segregation was going on in the U. S, but more in the south than anywhere else. During the year of 1914 many of the states in the south required separated entrances for blacks and whites. Next, in the 1910’s the U. S just finished going into war. The decade was affected harshly because of the war. The war left the United States with storage of food, money and etc. Finally, the 1900’s brought new inventions to the United States. The First flight took place by the Wright brother, and Henry ford crated his first ford car model. Those inventions changed the way people took transportation making them get to their destination quicker. (Danzer, Alva, Krieger, Wilson, Woloch) Three street riots were East St. Louis, Springfield, and Chicago. These three riots happen because of racial tension and inequality between African Americans and whites. First, in 1917 a riot broke out in East St. Louis. The riot occurred because of racial tension. There was racial tension because the whites were on strike, so the owners decided to give the jobs to the African Americans. The whites were angered by this so they decided to take control and a riot broke out. Second, in 1908a riot broke out in Springfield because of inequality. The riot broke out in Springfield because an African American man was falsely accused of rape. Lastly, in 1919 a huge riot took place in Chicago. The riot occurred because of a death of an African American child. This riot was the biggest riot in Illinois history. So in conclusion, racial tension and inequality between African Americans and whites are the two main reasons why these riots occurred. (Encyclopedia of Chicago) The Division Street riot was a turning point on history because they showed how racial the government was, how violent and dangerous riots can be and how they riot can affect the atmosphere. First, in the Chicago riot there were cases were police would only arrest African Americans for having possessions of weapons and not whites. There was also the case that sparked the Chicago riot when a police refused to arrest the gang that killed Eugene Williams. †Chicago Race Riot of 1919†Ã¢â‚¬  The Chicago Race Riot of 1919†. That shows that the government was very racial towards African Americans when it came to arresting or anything else during the riot because the police didn’t help the African American man when Eugene Williams was drowning. Second, the riots showed how dangerous and violent they can become. In the Chicago riot it was so out of hand it wasn’t until the government had to call in the State Military to calm down the riot. Also in the East St. Louis riot the National Guards had to be called in to stop the white mobs. â€Å"Race Riot† â€Å" East St. Louis Race Riot: July 2, 1917†. This shows that the race riots became so out of hand that the Government had to call in the National Guards and the State Military because the riots were getting to out of control, and out of their reach and power. Lastly, the riots changed the atmosphere of the place where the riots occurred because it made many people suggested creating zoning laws to formally segregated housing in Chicago, or other restrictions preventing blacks to work in the same workplace as whites. Some African Americans were rejected by liberal white voters. The riots made the two races not get along even more because before the riots there were already racial tension between African Americans and whites. So in conclusion, the Division Street riot was a turning point on history because they showed how racial the government was, how violent and dangerous riots can be and how they riot can affect the atmosphere. Discrimination towards African American provoked the riot. First, when Tabitha C Wong writes â€Å"angry white workers lodged a formal complaint against black migration. After the meeting ended news of an attempted robbery of a white man by an armed black man began to circulate though the city. † This explains how in the East St. Louis riot whites were angered when African Americans took their jobs. â€Å"East St. Louis Race Riot: July 2, 1917† Second in the Springfield riot the trial, the woman told the judge that she was not raped by the two men. Another place this can be seen is when Springfield, Illinois race riot writes about† Mabel Hallem later recalled her accusative against George Richardson and Joe James when it was discovered she had probably fabricated the story to cover up an affair. † Second in the Springfield riot the trial for the African Americans were racially unfair. â€Å"The Accused: George Richardson† Third, Steven Essig writes about â€Å"the determination of many whites to deny African Americans equal opportunities in employment, housing and political representation has frequently resulted in sustained violent clashes. † Some whites didn’t want African American the same opportunity so they decided to deny them certain chances that whites would be able to do. (Encyclopedia of Chicago) Finally in the Springfield, East St. Louis, and Chicago riot dealt with discrimination which provoked the riot. Inequality provoked the riot making African Americans have fewer resources than whites. First, a great example can be found in The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle Class Reform when Philpott writes about how† they had no gas baths or toilets plumbing very bad: toilet leaks; bowl broken; leak in kitchen sink; (180). This shows that inequality between whites and African Americans made the African Americans have terrible living environment. Next, a great example can be found in The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle Class Reform when Philpott talks about how â€Å"a write once summed up the Negro question by saying â€Å"the North has principles and the South has the Negroes. †(146). It shows how the North (whites) had principles, and the South has Negroes (bad living environment). So it shows how because of inequality the African Americans didn’t have a good housing opportunity. Lastly, since schools were segregated whites had a better learning opportunity than African Americans. When the schools were segregated the African Americans did not have the same learning opportunity as white. The teachers were not able to teach the African American children how to read, or write. â€Å"Imprisoned or Teaching Free Blacks† So in conclusion, inequality provoked the riot making African Americans have terrible living environments, terrible housing opportunities, and terrible education. Racial tension provoked the riot making African Americans and whites not get along. First a great example of this can be found in â€Å"Gangs that came to rule in seats of power† when Kass writes about the â€Å"Hamburgs ignited the worst and deadliest race riot in Chicago’s history in 1919†. That shows how the riot started because of the racial tension between African Americans and whites because they didn’t get along. Second police were racial to African Americans. A great example of this can be found in â€Å"Chicago and its eight reasons† when the White writes about â€Å"in one case a colored man who was trailer for weapons, and whites were not trailed, and they were all together in a bunch†. This shows how the police didn’t want to arrest whites, but they were willing to arrest African Americans. It also proves that they were racist towards African Americans. Finally African Americans and Whites were segregated. A great example of this can be found when Essig writes about â€Å"an African American teenager who had crossed an invisible line at 29th Street separating customarily segregated â€Å"white† and â€Å"black† beaches†. That proves that white and black had separate things and they didn’t get along. So in conclusion, gangs racial tension, and segregation were part of the racial tension that provoked the riot. The Division Street riots had an impact history because led to African Americans getting better treatment later on in history. First, the Springfield riot brought about the NAACP. The NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was created to ensure the political right, educational, and social economic equality of minority groups â€Å"Our Mission†. The NAACP fought for African Americans to have better treatment. The NAACP was created after the Springfield riot because they wanted to make sure that African Americans and other minority groups have the same rights as whites. Second, the NAACP had led up to greater things. The NAACP was a major part in the Civil Rights Movement with Martin Luther King as one of the leader â€Å" NAAC: 100 years of History†; leading African Americans through the Civil Rights movement taking them one step closer to integration. With Martin Luther king as one of the leaders of the NAACP and Civil Rights movement, with his dead and everything he did for the African Americans eventually led up to him being known as a great man, and making everyone in his time period including African Americans and Whites become segregated. Lastly, city officials organized the Chicago Commission on Race Relations to look into the cause of riots and find was to combat them. The Chicago Commission on Race Relations was created after the Chicago race riot. The Chicago Commission was a great source if information after the Chicago riot because they suggested several key issues including competition for jobs, thinking of ways to fix the problems. † The Chicago Race Riot of 1919† In conclusion, the Division Street Riots were turning points in history because the NAACP was formed, the NAACP led up to greater things and the Chicago Commission fixing race relations and their problems. The Chicago riot occurred July,27 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and Whites. Inequality, racial tension, and discrimination provoked the riot. The Chicago Riot that lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in History. Due to racial tension between African Americans and Whites a riot broke out . In Order to get beyond racism we ,must first take account of there is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally we must first treat them differently- Harry A Blackman. Even though the Chicago riot left 38 people dead, it still was the most dangerous riot in Illinois History.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis at Work - Essay Example The purpose is to show that the religion can transition, specifically to keep the initial spirit of Christianity alive. To do this, Spong uses repetition, anecdotes and prediction as rhetorical strategies, all which allow him to convince the audience of the need for a new reform in the church. Spong’s Audience When beginning to read this book, one can instantly define the audience as strong Christians in the church. The individuals are devoted to the religion of Christianity and what the church offers, specifically because of tradition, honest belief in God and the understanding of creating a specific relationship to God through a church. This is depicted from the various chapters about defining God in Spong’s book, as well as the first approach which is used in the book, which is to create a basis that everyone reading the book has an understanding of God and the divine presence. More important, this is one that goes outside of Christianity into the general idea of wha t God is, specifically to establish a connection between different types of Christians that are devoted to the sense of spirituality. â€Å"The God I know is not concrete or specific. This God is rather shrouded in mystery, wonder and awe. The deeper I journey into this divine presence, the less any literalized phrases, including the phrases of the Christian creed, seem relevant† (Spong, 4). This particular quote shows how the idea of God is one that is based both in Christianity and outside of the name and form which is often attributed to God. This is done specifically to speak to Christians who are devoted to the faith but which come from different walks of life. Another characteristic that is essential about Spong’s audience is with the belief that each is noting the need to change the church and the expression of believing in God. It is this main concept that Spong basis his book and various ideals. The main idea is to find devoted Christians that have lost faith in the present churches and the actions which have been taken, as well as the hypocrisy which is often associated with the church. The concept of the believers in exile is the first way which this is seen, with specific references to churches that aren’t acting on the belief in God. The second is with the continuous association with the main words of the Bible as well as the need to build a church of the future. There are phrases based on destroying the old church and building one that is new and creating a new religious understanding (pg. 227). These show that those reading the book are most likely looking for new answers about the functions of the church and what is needed for this time period. Rhetorical Strategies The audience that is defined is then able to easily be seen the different concepts which apply to the building of a new church, specifically because most aren’t looking for the same attributes as the current status of religion. The first way in which this is seen is through the use of repetition. The repetition includes specific words repeated over different phrases as well as repeating the same ideas throughout the book. For instance, there is constant repetition of â€Å"being in exile† and coming out of the exile with a â€Å"new church.† The repetition of these words then begin to influence the reader with the same belief

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Philosophy of Nursing - Research Paper Example My understanding of nursing as a profession is informed by my nursing knowledge, experience, and insights from interacting with other professionals and stakeholders in the profession. According to me, nursing is a noble profession, which should deliver quality public service in an ethical framework with a holistic understanding of human beings in terms of their emotional, physical and social aspects. Nursing should be holistic in nature, responsive to patient needs, and respecting values of patients. Nurses should, therefore, strive to provide quality service and create a favorable environment for patients to heal. Nurses should also display a greater understanding of human beings, desire to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge, research skills, and great professional standards (Fulton, Lyon, & Goudreau, 2010). In order for nurses to be successful, they should entertain inter-professional relationships with other professionals in the health sector in order to promote values suc h as knowledge sharing and improving the quality of service given to patients (Meleis, 2011). As a professional nurse, I will be committed to a lifelong process of learning, through both formal and informal education as well as learning from hands-on- experience in order to improve my skills and knowledge.The most important element of nursing, in my opinion, is the ability to save lives through offering quality patient care, advice, and a favorable environment for patients to overcome their health challenges.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Differences Between the Disease Model and the Harm Reduction Model Research Paper

Differences Between the Disease Model and the Harm Reduction Model - Research Paper Example Sheff) and his father’s perspective. Both books (Beautiful Boy by David Sheff and Tweak, by Nick Sheff) avail a fascinating perspective on addiction, and how it is a family disease affecting afflicted member, as well as all who interact with the person. The disease model of addiction stipulates that individuals addicted to alcohol and other drugs possess a chronic disease that can never be cured, although it can be contained. The model holds that the ideal outcome for individuals with addiction is total abstinence, since anyone who still uses any quantity of drugs continues to activate the strong cravings for drugs of choice. The disease model defines alcoholism and any other drug addiction as a biogenetic disease in need of treatment. Disease model is less stigmatizing compared to moral model and, thus, represents an advantage. Nevertheless, both models perceive the user as powerless over consumption and emphasize abstinence as the only feasible means of recovery. According to the disease model, chemical dependency represents a psychosocial phenomenon (Wormer, 1999). The disease model comes out as scientifically and morally correct and effective with motivated clients. Disease model perceives alcoholism or any other drug use as irreversible and the drug user as a person having an abnormal condition. Disease model holds that addiction is a biologically-based syndrome embracing psychological and social components that influence its expression. The model holds that predisposition to addiction is invisible and can be inherited. Other assumptions of the model include the premise that addiction remains dormant (in remission) unless reactivated by alcohol/drug use. The model stipulates that if left unattended, the disease becomes progressively worse, leading to disability and death. Disease model holds that disease is generic to all psychoactive substances regardless of the distinct substances that the individual may happen to choose (Marlatt &

Designing Networks Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7750 words

Designing Networks - Thesis Example Surrey University needs an infrastructure that supports all the demanded needs and also manages future trends of rising technologies. Many Universities have implemented a Campus area network for online learning. In fact, this is more feasible because it connects two or more than two networks of the educational institution, universities or corporate campus. The connectivity includes library, sections, student halls of residence (Campus Area Network. 2007).The network devices and computing equipment have to be consistent and extendable, if the faculty staffs increases. The Surrey University has 4 sites or branches which are Harrow, Wembley, Leicestershire and Camden. The governing body has determined to implement an IP based network. The network layout of the Surrey University needs an expandable and efficient network which will fulfill the requirements of the Surrey University staff. The Surrey University will activate studies on a new innovative technology named as Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). â€Å"According to a JISC’s Introduction to managed learning environments, the term ‘virtual learning environment’ (VLE) refers to the components in which learners and tutors participate in online interactions of various kinds, including online learning† (, what is a VLE? at UKCLE).The presence this technology will certainly change the trends in education and research. Student will participate in a particular lecture or test from home or from a remote location. The progress of a student and test schedules will be available on the site. The inbound communication of staff for the Surrey University will be conducted by the Surrey University’s internet. The VLE will provide virtual learning features along with video and voice communication features within the Surrey University branches as well as from the IP telephony. 2 Profile The Surrey University requires a redundant computer network that adequately manages network operations, st udent management and business processes. Moreover, the university that is categorized in to two sites needs to cope up with the new technological trends, in order to avoid network security threats and vulnerabilities. 2.1 Project Scope and Objectives A brand new network structure is deployed by the Surrey University. A modern technology is utilized by this network in terms of both hardware and software. Moreover, software application execution includes the new innovative Virtual Learning application. The hardware technology deployment includes Cisco routers, switches and ‘access points’. The University has 4 sites and wants to coordinate the university activities by connecting all the networks together, either with wireless or wired technologies in a protected way. The objects for this given scenario are: Research suitable hardware and software for the design of the Camden wired LAN only Wireless link between Wembley and Harrow site Design a wireless LAN for the Camden site Design a network management system 3 Wired Network In order to implement the local area network (LAN) for Camden site, an appropriate selection of computing and network devices should be selected. This implementation starts at initial level because networks are not implemented there before. 3.1 Network Topology Star topology is suggested for the wired local area networ

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Software Development Lifecycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Software Development Lifecycle - Essay Example The company established various departments including marketing & sales, manufacturing, customer services, research and development, administration, and human resource and so on to handle different operations and products. The structure of the company is complicated due to its global operations and products diversification. Apple Inc has a lower level managers and middle level mangers based in different parts of the world and dealing with different issues. This complexity has posed major challenges in disseminating information across various supervisors at different levels. System Analysis The use of information system in organizations like Apple enables them to screen and obtain data from the surroundings, capture data from business operations, separate, control, select and disseminate information to the supervisors more frequently as required for decision making (Whitman & Mattord 2011, p.53). Availability of information to the managers of Apple Inc is vital for effective operation s of the company. Therefore, information system enables Apple Company to increase its competence by coordinating the activities of all the workers in various departments and in different locations to ensure they pursue common objectives of the organization (Mark 2006). Training information system enables Apple Company to achieve its objectives through standardized information. Approaches used by Apple Inc to acquire information from the employees The system analyst will have to enquire from the employees on challenges they face with the present system in the organization (Whitman & Mattord 2011, p.574). The employees will provide details of their encounters and give suggestions on what they want like to be changed in the current system (Taylor 2004, p.38). In order to achieve this, the analyst may utilize either one or a combination of approaches that will enable them to get that information from the employees and other system users (Barry & Lang 2009, pp.289). These approaches incl ude interviews, questionnaires or employees diaries. The analyst will enquire from the system users on what they think is best in the current system and require no change and what they think is not doing well as expected and need some change (Whitman & Mattord 2011, p.83). The analyst should also examine the knowledge employees have regarding the system operation and the availability of expertise either internally or externally to offer the required knowledge about the new system after it has been developed and adopted in the company (Beynon 2009, p.14). During the interview, the system users will be required to explain how they acquired training and the name of the trainer including whether they were internal or sourced from outside the organization (Shelly & Vermaat 2009, p.141). During the interviewing process, the analyst may use phone calls, video, social media or face to face interviewing in order to reach different users located in various places (Song 2011, p. 83). The use o f interview method to acquire information about the current system in Apple organization is quite expensive due to diversity of the employees and size of the organization (Whitman & Mattord 2011, p.92). Furthermore, some employees may not be open to give all their experiences or may not be able to recall all the essential details. However, this can be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Greed in Victorian Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Greed in Victorian Literature - Essay Example But Allan Quatrain cleverly acknowledges that he kept this as a motive in his mind and the man reveals his practical sense. Another thing is that Gagool, the old witch mentions about the white man’s lust for white stones many times in the story. Because of their greed, Allan Quatrain and his fellow men subject to severe death experience in the Gagool cave. All these trials and tribulations forced them to feel regression to their lust for unbounded wealth. The concept of civilized colonization is well executed in this novel. White people try to civilize Kaukauna tribe. Quatrain and his companions promise military exchanges to Umbopa for overthrowing the evil king. But the problem is that the Victorian patronizing spirit of the white people is revealed through their conscious effort to control the African tribes through guns. White people make relationships only for their material benefits and they cannot escape from greed. White exploitation against the African tribes is visibl e in the novel through the character of Good and his efforts to develop a relation with beautiful Kukuana girl.White efforts to civilizing Africans always reached in suppression and exploitation. Even though Allan Quatrain and his companions act as the protectors of civilization, they cannot hide their real intention and greed. Allan Quatrain reveals this when he says thus; â€Å"Then we all laughed and took it as a good omen. He was a cheerful savage was Umbopa, in a dignified sort of a way, when he had not got one of his fits of brooding and had a wonderful knack of keeping one’s spirits up. We all got very fond of him†.... Because of their greed, Allan Quatrain and his fellow men subject to severe death experience in the Gagool cave. All these trials and tribulations forced them to feel regression to their lust for unbounded wealth. Concept of civilized colonization is well executed in this novel. White people try to civilize Kaukauna tribe. Quatrain and his companions promise military exchanges to Umbopa for overthrowing the evil king. But the problem is that the Victorian patronizing spirit of the white people is revealed through their conscious effort to control the African tribes through guns. White people make relationships only for their material benefits and they cannot escape from greed. White exploitation against the African tribes is visible in the novel through the character of Good and his efforts to develop relation with beautiful Kukuana girl.White efforts to civilizing Africans always reached in suppression and exploitation. Even though Allan Quatrain and his companions act as the protec tors of civilization, they cannot hide their real intention and greed. Allan Quatrain reveals this when he says thus; â€Å"Then we all laughed and took it for a good omen. He was a cheerful savage was Umbopa, in a dignified sort of a way, when he had not got one of his fits of brooding, and had a wonderful knack of keeping one’s spirits up. We all got very fond of him† (Haggard 29). Protagonists like Allan Quatrain, Henry, his lost brother and Good of Haggard’s novel represent typical Victorian who searches power and wealth. They begin their journey with a noble purpose then it changed in to various dimensions. Man searching transforms to money searching at the end. Dickens’s hero Pip is also portrayed as a victim of post-

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

FRANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FRANCE - Essay Example France has been an important model for religious freedom and thought in virtue of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in the year 1789 and several significant religions are practices in this country, though Roman Catholicism has been the major religion. "In the past, France was a predominantly Roman Catholic country. Since the 1970s, France has become a very secular country. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen says that Freedom of religion is constitutionally a right." (France Principle Religion) Sub-point 1: The other religions practiced in the country include Protestantism, Islam, Judaism and atheism. According to the CIA World Factbook, about 88% of the population in France practices Roman Catholicism, 5 to 10% practice Islam, about 2% Protestantism and 1% of the French population practice Judaism. Sub-point 2: The religious background of France has contributed highly to the progress of the Europe and the world and it is a nation which has contributed the world some of the fundamental principles of secularism and religion including the 'freedom of religion'. A profound analII. Main Point: Cultural Background of France: Family structure A profound analysis of the family structure in France confirms that several social, religious and cultural elements as well as movements have influenced the progress of its culture. The traditional family structure of the French culture, an extended family structure, continued for a long time due, mainly, to the values of the Catholic Church and the rural communities. "The outbreak of the French Revolution created a potent space for questioning the customs, laws, emotions, power relations, and gender assumptions that informed family life. During the 1790s the French Revolution radically redefined the family, its internal dynamics, and its relationship to the state." (Desan, 1) Sub-point 1: The French Revolution created a potent space for questioning the customs, laws, emotions, power relations, and gender assumptions that informed family life and it radically redefined the family, its internal dynamics, and its relationship to the state. Sub-point 2: There has been a vital shift from the traditional family structure to the modern family structure in the French society and culture. III. Main point: Cultural Background of France: Traditions of Religion and Family The traditions of the religion are mostly connected with those of the family and people celebrate religious festivals with lots of enthusiasm and variety in their families and the most important traditions of religion as well as family in France are in connection with Christmas. "Family celebrations begin with the decoration of the Christmas tree a few days before Christmas; candles and lights, tinsel and many colored stars are attached to it. On Christmas Eve when the children are asleep, little toys, candies and fruits are hung on the branches of the tree as a supplement to the gifts Santa Claus has left in the shoes before the fireplace." (Holiday Traditions of France) Sub-point 1: The traditions of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discuss the accuracy of Winston Churchill's description of the United Essay

Discuss the accuracy of Winston Churchill's description of the United States - Essay Example Some people may label certain actions as right when it comes to a particular situation, whereas others will call it wrong. Most of the time, it is something in between the two. The United States frequently takes action, and it is very hard to determine whether that action was right or wrong. I think that for the most part, only history and hindsight will be able to reveal the reality. One example that I think illustrates this particular idea is the War in Iraq. The United States took very swift action against Iraq after the September 11th attacks. I think that this action might be considered right by some as the U.S. couldn’t not respond to the terrorist attacks. Our country would have been viewed as weak and ineffectual if we hadn’t reacted. However, some people might think it was wrong that we attacked Iraq specifically because many of the terrorists on the hijacked planes were from Saudi Arabia, so some didn’t understand why we went to war with Iraq. At the time, it was thought that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction and was funding the terrorist organizations. However, American has learned since then that this wasn†™t the case. I think this particular circumstance illuminates how muddled the concepts of right and wrong are in today’s society. I think that for the most part Churchill’s statement is largely inaccurate when looking at America’s decisions from an American perspective. While some countries may think that America does not do the right thing, I think that we try to do the right thing for our own country, which makes sense in the larger sense of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Faction of a society Essay Example for Free

Faction of a society Essay A particular faction of a society endures a great deal of pressure of the working population; that is, those who are making a living for themselves and their families. Indeed, wellness in the workplace has become a critical concern for organizations. Paid employment is a major determinant of good physical and mental health for men and women. In the United States and other societies where people are socialized into a strong work ethic, satisfying work enhances health, life satisfaction, and well-being. The impact of work is seen in Sigmund Freud’s answer to the question of what normal people should do well. For Freud, it is â€Å"to love and to work. † In other words, good psychological functioning emphasizes both one’s work and one’s family. The ideal is to create an environment where work and family are not opposed to one another, this is the same premise Nick Whitten’s article â€Å"Workplace Truly Family-friendly† encapsulates (Whitten, 2006). Whitten tackles how mothers in Forest Hall Day Nursery are allowed to bring their children with them to work. Indeed, rather than giving them. Indeed, many social scientists are no longer asking whether it is good or bad that mothers work. Instead, they are finding that a more important issue is whether the mother, regardless of employment, is satisfied in their situation (Burns and Scott, 1994). Certainly, serious concern is frequently voiced about the future of the nation’s children as more and more mothers enter the work force. With the entry of women into the labor force, arrangements for childcare are shifting from care in the home to care outside the home. As such, employers shall indeed consider rethinking flexible working schedule as a major scheduling change in today’s clocks. Society has to begin to consent that mothers, like fathers, are capable of taking over the task of being the breadwinner as well as being a parent. Many people may fear that the working mother represents a loss to children in terms of supervision, love, and cognitive enrichment. But like what Forest Hall Day Nursery practices, why not give this arrangement for childcare that is shifting from care in the home to care outside the home a try? References Burns, Ailsa. and Cath Scott. (1994). Mother-Headed Families and Why They Have Increased. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Whitten, Nick. â€Å"Workplace Truly Family-friendly. † Available online: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_6783/is_2006_August_10/ai_n28366056/? tag=content;col1. Accessed 5 May 2009.

A Matter of Perception Essay Example for Free

A Matter of Perception Essay â€Å"How often have I dreamt that I was in these familiar circumstances that I was dressed, and occupied this place by the fire, when I was lying undressed in bed? † Rene Descartes in his writings from Meditations on First Philosophy brings to us this very reason of doubt of our senses and perceptions. For we have all â€Å"been deceived in sleep by similar illusions† (Descartes) placing the question, how would we â€Å"know the difference between the dream world and the real world? †(Synopsis: The Matrix) It is very interesting looking back at the works of Plato and Descartes in comparison to more modern works such as the blockbuster hit â€Å"The Matrix†. When examining The Matrix we see a complex world built by machines portraying to the human race a virtual world. This virtual world allows the human race to perceive a reality around them, a world built with the intention of blinding people from the ultimate reality that what they perceive to be real is an illusion. Plato in his famous cave allegory makes wonderful connection to the perceptions of reality and illusions. In Plato’s allegory he talks about prisoners who from childhood were bound to a wall and only capable of seeing shadows cast on a wall of puppets representing humans and animals. â€Å"Then in every way such prisoners would deem reality to be nothing else than the shadows of the artificial objects. †(Plato) In The Matrix Neo is very similar to the prisoner that is in the cave who both eventually finds the truth about the real world. Just as the prisoner, Neo has been living in a cave called the Matrix. This Matrix, like the illusions from the shadows of the uppets in the cave, leaves its prisoners completely ignorant to the fact that the world as they know it is not real. There is another similarity between Plato’s allegory and the Matrix. In Plato’s story the prisoner is assisted by a man who like Morpheus with Neo, helps the prisoner escape and see the world of reality. As these two stories go, Neo and the prisoner are brought to the light of truth and reject the world around them. These characters at first are â€Å"unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen shadows† (Plato). These shadows for Neo were the representations of reality that he had believed in. To the prisoner he believed the shadows to be the reality. However a major difference to note between Plato’s allegory of the cave and the Matrix is that in the Matrix, the prisoners are not physically bound while conscious by chains but mentally trapped in an unconscious state of a perceived reality that is pleasant. The cave however paints a dark picture of enslavement to the shadows to which the prisoners viewing the illusions being bound and chained and blinded from the outside world. Also contrasting when the prisoner escapes from the cave he is escaping to that outside world full of light and life from the dark. The outside world of the Matrix however is a post-apocalyptic world where the sun has been blocked out by clouds from war and pollution. To escape from the Matrix is to journey into the dark as opposed to the light. The desolation of the real world around Neo is what leads him to reject that real world around him. In the cave allegory, the liberated prisoner is blinded by the magnificence of the sun and light around him. The prisoner gradually opens his eyes to seeing real animals and humans instead of just the shadows. The beauty of the real world and real objects is at first what leaves the prisoner in question, objection, pain and then astonishment. The Cave allegory suggests that most men would seek to see reality. However in the Matrix there is an example of the opposite. Cypher sets up Morpheus in a deal with Agent Smith in order to be re-installed into the matrix and have his memory of the outside world wiped. To Cypher â€Å"ignorance s bliss† and he would much rather indulge in the illusion created by the Matrix than live in a harsh world. I believe though that the harshness of reality would be sought after as opposed to accepting the status quo or the illusion. We as members of society (majority) wake up every day go to work come home pay the bills spend our earnings. We live in the harshness of reality that is our world. That being said, I feel it is human nature to challenge the status quo and not accept what we have or know. Why do we as Americans thrive for excess? We do because we are not satisfied with the status quo. I believe that the reason most men would want to escape the cave is because of wonderment and a natural state of not being satisfied with what we have either materialistically or even our thirst for knowledge. Out of selfishness we would escape the cave because â€Å"ignorance of bliss† will not satisfy our core needs. Henry Ford wasn’t happy with how cars were produced so he escaped the cave of production standards. Steve Jobs didn’t think we needed a keyboard anymore so he created a tablet and escaped the cave of technology standards. We all are trapped in our own caves and though most of us are too busy or too afraid to take the risk, we all would take the opportunity to escape our caves and see a new truth come to light just as the prisoner did when he first saw the sun. In the film the Matrix one is able to break the logical governing rules of the program. In the cave you are have no such liberties, you are strictly a prisoner to the physical rules of the natural world around you i. . being physically chained to a wall and unable to move your head and body. In the Matrix, you are able to freely move around in this perceived reality and even bend the rules of the physical world which we see with Neo especially at the end of the film when he dodges bullets from Agent Smiths gun. There are also similarities and differences between the Matrix and Descartes. In Descartes writing he focused on doubting senses and the idea that the world perceived around him could all be merely a dream. I perceive so clearly that there exist no certain marks by which the state of waking can ever be distinguished from sleep, that I feel greatly astonished; and in amazement I almost persuade myself that I am now dreaming. †- Descartes In Neo’s world of the Matrix, humans are in a permanent sleep being used as an energy source for the computers who can no longer draw off the suns power. While in a state of sleep they are fed through cables in the back of their head a programmed simulation of a perceptual world. Descartes touches on this same concept in his dream argument regarding his perception of reality. Is he awake or is he dreaming? Descartes bases his notion of not being able to distinguish reality from a dream due to the point that dreams can release the same sensory information as reality and therefore we must doubt that sense. His argument seeks to doubt the perceptions of the world given to us by our senses. It was also believed by him that there was no way of proving whether or not we are in slumber or awake. In the Matrix that is a big difference because the characters are able to distinguish between this dream world created by the matrix and reality. Descartes also talks about a great deceiver who is the one obscuring our views of reality. In the Matrix we could we could compare that deceiver to those agents in the program. These agents at one point place a bug into Neo and he awakes the next day believing he was just dreaming. Another example of deception of the senses from the movie is when Neo was tricked by his perception of the lady in the red dress who turned out to be an agent. Whether we are all tied onto a wall restricted by the boundaries of the bonds which hold us there or merely in a state of permanent comatose, one thing is certain that our senses and perception of reality are always in question. Descartes believes that we should always be in doubt of our senses. Even in the Matrix Neo had the same question just like Plato and Descartes â€Å"What is the Matrix†( The Matrix) is it a cave or is it a dream that feels so real we don’t know we are in it? It is very interesting to see the connections behind the works of these two philosophers in comparison to a Hollywood presentation of the ultimate question, are we deceived by our perception of reality? Descartes went into an interesting point in his writing and I personally believe as he, there is a God who is ultimately good and would not let me be in a permanent deception. Though I am not going to get into this deeply I will make one additional thought in my writing that these sources brought up. If God is the one who frees us from our caves, who gives us the option to take the red or blue pill and can we truly know if we are awake or asleep?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Relationship Between Extroversion And Physiological Measures Psychology Essay

The Relationship Between Extroversion And Physiological Measures Psychology Essay There has been a substantial research into the relationship between how extroverted an individual is and their physiological measures (Eysenck, 1967, cited in Martin, Carlson, Buskist, 2007). Many studies have been carried out across the world to investigate this relationship and how environment and genetics can contribute to extroversion within individuals. The present study looked at the relationship between extraversion and physiological measures in Psychology undergraduate students in the UK. No significant correlation was found between extroversion and heart rate or extroversion and galvanic skin response. The relationship between extroversion and physiological measures in university students There has been much research into the relationship between arousal in response to a number of different tasks in both introverts and extroverts. Eysenck (1967) (cited in Martin, Carlson, Buskist, 2007) suggested extroversion is a reflection of the state we do not show within our central nervous system (CNS). He stated that happiness and sociability were two of the main traits associated with extroversion. In a study investigating happiness and extroversion in undergraduate students, it was found that the two were significantly correlated. These differences support the idea that introverts are different to extroverts in that extroverts seek out more stimulating environments. The present study set out to investigate further into this idea by looking at the relationship between extroversion and physiological measures in Psychology students at a university in the UK. Studies into the origins of extroversion within an individual have been widely conducted to understand why a person may be so extroverted or introverted; heritability seems to play a large contributing factor. In a study comparing monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins, monozygotic twins were shown to give the most alike results with 70% of the twins tested, being similarly extrovert (Zuckerman, 1991, cited in Martin, Carlson, Buskist, 2007). This study does not support the idea that extroverts are affected by their environment unlike most research into extroversion, it simply states that genetics are the cause. Similar studies to this report have supported previous research like into whether biological factors differ within introverts and extroverts. A study into physiological measures and extroversion was carried out in Singapore where the results showed lower extroversion scores were correlated with heightened cardiovascular reactivity while higher extroversion scores were correlated with lower cardiovascular reactivity. The study also found that higher extroversion was linked to lower cardiovascular reactivity during stress tasks and seemed to affect how individuals express and cope with anger (Jonassaint et al., 2009). This study helps to support the notion that Eysenck proposed which says that introverts are more likely to feel uncomfortable in a stimulating situation, in this case cardiovascular activity, whereas extroverts are more likely to enjoy and seek out such environments. Heart rate and skin responses have also been significantly associated with male students performing a visu al vigilance task who were measured on the Eysenck personality inventory as introverts (Gange, Geen, Harkins, 1979). Research has also found differences in the brain between extroverts and introverts. In a study looking into whether there is a correlation between extroversion and blood flow when smelling unpleasant and pleasant odours, the part of the brain known as the amygdala in the temporal lobe, was strongly correlated with cerebral blood flow and higher extroversion scores when exposed to the pleasant odour (Vaidya et al., 2007). This piece of research supports the idea that extroverts are genetically different to introverts as they enjoyed the experience of the pleasant odour more than introverts did and their brain activation within the temporal lobe further supported this idea. Other studies have further supported how the environment, not genetics, may affect both introverts and extroverts and how they react differently. In a study investigating the effect of background music and noise on completing tasks in introverts and extroverts, it was found that introverts performed better overall on each task except one, and introverts appeared to be more affected by the presence of everyday music and noise than extroverts. (Cassidy MacDonald, 2007). Introverts are also more likely to respond more quickly to louder noise bursts than extroverts who tend to respond equally rapidly to varying noise intensities (Britt Blumenthal, 1991). These studies supports Eysenckà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s theory, which says that people whose brains are over-aroused, will find stimulating situations uncomfortable, and they will seek out quieter environments. Although this idea seems to be strongly supported, a study which researched Eysencks (1953) hypothesis of a relationship between extraversion and sympathetic nervous system activity used 42 undergraduate students and the outcome was not quite the same. These students were exposed to fear arousing conditions and their heart rate and galvanic skin response (GVR) were measured during this time (Small, 1976). Although you would expect a relationship, no significant correlation was found. This piece of research disconfirms Eysenckà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s hypothesis and this may be due to individual differences. In other words, maybe some extroverts are not under aroused and are actually over aroused, or maybe Eysenckà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s personality questionnaire is not as accurate in its outcomes as we may think when measuring personality. Although studies have been conducted in this area of research, the piece of research in this report was carried out to further provide support for this area of study. The relationship between extraversion and physiological measures was tested on Psychology undergraduate students at a university in the UK. It used a questionnaire designed to measure extroversion within an individual and a short maths test which was provided to cause the participants CNS to go into a state of high arousal. Based on previous findings, the hypotheses were that there would be a strong negative correlation between extroversion and heart rate and a strong negative correlation between extroversion and galvanic skin response. Method Participants Participants were 167 psychology students aged 18-65 studying at the University of Chester in Cheshire. The measures were taken from the sex ratio 1:4 males: females and the study used a stratified sampling method. Participants were treated in accordance with BPS guidelines and informed consent was obtained from each participant before taking part. Materials and apparatus The materials used included record sheets to write down the results for each participant, the maths task comprising of ten questions, rising in difficulty, using +,-,x and / operators, the Biopac (Biopac MP30 unit) with elecrodes (SS2L and SS3L leads to measure heart rate and GSR), the EPQ consisting of 23 questions which was filled out before the physiological measures were measured and a stopwatch to time each participant for 3 minutes completing the maths task. Procedure After initially consenting to take part in the research, students were given a 23 item questionnaire to complete, designed to measure how extroverted they are as people. Once completed, students were attached to BIOPAC consisting of electrodes being attached to the wrist, fingers and ankles which measured galvanic skin response and heart rate and given a maths task to complete, designed to get harder as you progressed in a small laboratory room for three minutes. They were timed using a stopwatch by another participant who had already taken part outside of the laboratory room. Once timed, results were taken from a ninety second interval of the three minutes and the mean was calculated using the BIOPAC software. The means were written down, both for heart rate and GSR. Design and analysis This was a repeated measures study. Participants took part in both the easy and difficult task. Heart rate and galvanic skin response were measured whilst the difficult task was being completed. Results Average heart rate scores from 137 participants were correlated with their EPQ scores using a Pearson correlation. This was conducted using SPSS v.20. The scatterplot is shown in Figure 1 below: The Pearson test showed no correlation between average heart rate scores and EPQ scores and the result was found to not be statistically significant. (r(137)=-0.049, p=0.567). Total EPQ scores from the 137 participants were also correlated with average GSR scores using a Pearson correlation. The scatterplot is shown in Figure 2 below: The Pearson test showed no correlation between average GSR scores and EPQ scores and the result was found to not be statistically significant. (r(137)=0.020, p=0.820). Discussion The results showed no significant correlation between extroversion and heart rate and so the null hypothesis could not be rejected. The correlation between extroversion and galvanic skin response was also not significantly correlated and so the null hypothesis was accepted. This study does not lend support to the findings of previous studies in this area of research into extroversion and physiological measures. A study Singapore mentioned in the introduction of this report found that extroverts were linked to lower cardiovascular reactivity during stress tasks and this seemed to affect how these particular individuals expressed and coped with anger (Jonassaint et al., 2009). Contrasting even further with the findings of this study, heart rate and skin responses have also been strongly correlated with students performing a visual endurance task who were scored on the EPI as introverts (Gange, Geen, Harkins, 1979). However some studies have also provided no support for the hypothesis of physiological measures being linked to extroversion. Small (1976), studied students exposed to fear arousing conditions whilst their heart rate and GVR was measured. He found no significant correlation, supporting the notion that extroversion does not correlate with physiological measures within different individuals. In addition to biological factors not always differing between introverts and extroverts, the environment playing an important role has also been criticised. In a study investigating the effect of familiar everyday or verbal noises on the cognitive performance of introverts and extraverts, no significant correlation was found (Avila, Furnham, McClelland, 2012). This piece of research provides evidence of there being no clear correlation between extroverts and introverts differing physiologically. Although the results did not provide significant hypotheses to support the notion that extroversion and physiological measures correlate, care must be taken with research that does support this idea. The direction of causality may be difficult to establish within this area of research. Physiological measures may not be caused by extroversion but other underlying factors. In a study by Cassidy MacDonald, 2007, introverts appeared to be more affected by the presence of everyday music and noise when completing written tasks than extroverts. However studies similar to this trigger issues as the outcome of results may not have been due to extroversion, but other personality traits of the participants. For example it may simply be that an individual may struggle to complete tasks or write when there is noise or music in the background. In this study extroversion was measured beforehand but there is a possibility that the results they obtained may have been due to demand characteristics wh ereby a participant may have wanted to look more sociable than they actually are. This would make them score highly on an extroversion scale but in reality they are much quieter and so should have been scored as an introvert. This would cause the piece of research to lack validity. In order to make this study more reliable, another study contained different participants should be carried out to ensure that similar results are obtained. Although the present study in this report contained a good sample size and had individuals from different age groups as its participants, it did not provide enough evidence to support the theory that extroversion causes an individual to enjoy stimulating environments, which in this case was the maths test. However, the findings in this report do lend support to the idea that extroversion and physiological measures are not strongly linked to one another (e.g. by Small, 1976). Overall, findings in this area of research lend support to the notion of encouraging children to become confident from a young age. For example, the more extroverted a person is, the more likely they are to be sociable and talk to others before a job interview and the more desirable they seem to be during such an interview (Caldwell Burger, 1998). In conclusion the present study found no significant correlation between extroversion and physiological measures in university students aged 18-65 in the UK and so cannot support Eysencks theory of extroversion. Future research into physiological measures and personality traits could be carried out to help support Eysencks theory; research into personality types as well as extroversion and individual traits could help to see which personality types cause certain physiological measures as well as particular traits more specifically. This could enable us to understand what truly causes a person to be an extrovert or an introvert, whether the answer lie in heritability and genetics, or the environment itself.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Essay -- Chemistry, Cell

Introduction There are many different cell lines that have been used in order to examine genotoxicity exposure of agents such as human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line - TMK1, human colon cancer - COL2, particularly human B lymphoblastoid cell line - TK6 is more often used. TK6 is a cell line heterozygous at the thymidine kinase locus from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in T cell lineage blast crisis which included Philadelphia chromosome t(9;22)(q34;q11), an abnormality in chromosome 6 (a deletion of the long arm), and chromosome 7, for example, del(6)(q21); ins(1;-)(q21;-); del(1)(q21;q32); dic(7)(:p13ïÆ'   cenïÆ'   q32:11.2ïÆ'   cenïÆ'   pter) (Watanabe et al., 1995; Tomita et al., 1998). These cells are relatively stable p53-normal immortal, have low mutation frequencies in gene and chromosome, and are proficient in mismatch repair (Tomita-Mitchel et al., 2000), from these properties TK6 cell line is applied in this study for assessing toxicity of anti-cancer agents. Polyynes containing triple bonds which are presented in many natural sources, have been considered in medicine with a variety of biological activities such as antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiHIV, and anticancer (Dembitsky et al., 2006). Previously, there were many researches about the diyne-structure-related-capability of polyyne, especially ene-diyne, these investigations suggested that enediyne compounds include two triple bonds (diyne) seperated by a double bond (ene) can cleavage DNA via cross linking to several positions, interacting with minor groove or abstracting hydrogen atoms as well as arrest cell cycle, inhibit proteins required for initiation replication stage (Chin et al., 1988; Sugiura et al., 1989; Walker et a... ... nuclei, and should be separated with clear nuclear boundary. Timescale involved Along with the proposal, the RAGS system will be completed and approved in week 18. After that, the first step is synthesis of two chemicals in 4 weeks from 16th January to 13th February 2012. Once the chemicals are produced, TK6 cells will be treated in control medium and in medium containing these compounds, separately, and measure LD50 ¬ of TK6 cell line, statistic analysis LOEC, NOEC and thereby comparing cytotoxicity of these compounds. This process will take around 6 weeks from 13th February to 23rd March 2012. Later on, micronucleus assay will be applied to study genotoxicity on TK6 cells via clastogenic behaviour for 7 weeks and finish laboratory practical on 1st June 2012. Finally, writing up and project draft will be completed within 4 weeks.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rosalind Franklin :: essays research papers

Rosalind Franklin Rosalind Franklin lived during an exciting and turbulent era both socially and scientifically. Upon passing the admission examination for Cambridge University in 1938, at fifteen, Franklin was was informed by her affluent family that she would not recieve financial support. Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s father disapproved of women receiving college educations, however, both Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s aunt and mother supported her quest for education. Eventually, her father gave in and agreed to pay her tuition. Franklin would later prove to be worth her education. As Rosalind Franklin was pursuing her degree World War II raged. She focused her research on coal, the most efficient use of energy resources. Five papers on the subject were published before Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s 26th birthday. Further, Franklin had given up her fellowship to become a physical chemist at the British Coal Utilization Research Association at age 22. She was indeed an efficient and driven researcher. Franklin utilized the X-ray diffraction techniques (that she has become most famous for) while working in a Paris laboratory between 1947 and 1950, with crystallographer Jacques Mering. X-ray crystallography helped determined the three dimensional structure of DNA when Franklin returned to England. She became the first person to find the molecule ¡Ã‚ ¯s sugar-phosphate backbone while working with a team of scientists at King ¡Ã‚ ¯s College in London. Unfortunately, leadership misunderstandings and personality conflicts depreciated Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s effectivness in the laboratory. Maurice Wilkins, the laboratory ¡Ã‚ ¯s second in command, returned from a vacation expecting Franklin to work under him. Franklin came to the laboratory with the understanding that she would be researching alone. While Franklin was direct and decisive, Wilkins tended to be alluding and passive-aggressive. As Franklin made further advances in DNA research, Wilkins secretly shared her findings with the famous duo of Watson and Crick, who were then working at Cambridge. Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s discoveries fueled their research machine, allowing them to advance beyond others in the field. T hey would eventually publish on DNA structure in 1953. Due to discriminatory procedures at King ¡Ã‚ ¯s College, Franklin eventually left to become the lead researcher at London ¡Ã‚ ¯s Birbeck College--upon agreeing not to work on DNA. She furthered her studies in coal and made significant advances in virology. Franklin died in 1958 of ovarian cancer. She lived 37 monumentally significant years. After researching Rosalind Franklin ¡Ã‚ ¯s scientific career, I truly believe that she was a pioneer rather than a follower. Her early coal work is still referred to today; she helped launch the fields of high-strength carbon fibers; and was an integral part of early structural virology.

An Argument Against Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

ABORTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am against abortion for a couple of reasons. I believe adopting instead of aborting is a better decision. Abortion is murder. Condoms are available and inexpensive. There are also other forms of birth control. Some people say it’s their choice so I think people should choose wisely, by not killing a baby. There are also many programs in the U.S. that will aid people financially, for people who claim to be financially unfit to raise a child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe adoption is a better choice than murder. No one dies, and there is a solution for more than just the pregnant lady. People get to live, mother and child. And the couple who has been waiting for two years to adopt a baby gets to do so. The child is able to live the life the mother never tried to give him or her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most important reason why I am against abortion is because I believe it is murder. It is a human fetus, with a heartbeat. I don’t understand how you could kill a human seconds before it is born, but not minutes after. I believe it is murder no matter when you kill a baby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contraceptives are available. There are contraceptives for both male and female, from condoms to pills. There are surgeries which could be legally performed in which people could no longer reproduce. There is no need to kill a baby if you take proper precaution before having sexual intercourse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &n...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Qualitative Anion Tests Essay

Procedure 1. Before beginning, set up a data table similar to the Data Table: Qualitative Anion Tests in the Lab Report Assistant section. 2. Each anion tested will require the use of three separate test tubes. Complete all of the following tests on one solution, record your observations, and then thoroughly clean and dry the test tubes before beginning tests on the next solution. 3. After consecutively testing the identified anions, perform the same tests on the unknown solution to conclusively determine its identity. 4. First test tube: a. Put 8 drops of the anion to be tested in a clean small test tube. b. Add 8 drops of hydrochloric acid to the anion solution. Note the appearance of the solution plus any evolution of gas and odors of gas. 5. Second test tube: a. Put 8 drops of the anion solution in a second test tube. b. Add 3 drops of silver nitrate solution. c. Note the colors of any precipitates formed. d. Write a net ionic equation for any reaction that produces a precipitate. e. Acidify the test tube by adding a few drops of nitric acid. f. Mix well and note if the precipitate dissolves or remains. 6. Third test tube: Per the following, perform the appropriate confirmation test for this anion. NOTE: Where the following instructions call for â€Å"gently warming† a chemical place the test tube containing the chemical into a 50-mL beaker of hot tap water for a few minutes. ââ€"  Bromide (Br-) and Iodide (I-): (First make fresh chlorine water by combining in a graduated cylinder approximately 1ml of bleach, 5ml of tap water, and 6 drops of HCl; stir or shake. Then label an empty pipet and suck up this chlorine solution for use here.)To 10 drops of the test solution add 2 to 3 drops of the organic reagent (hexanes or similar) and several drops of chlorine water. Shake well and allow the lower layer to settle out. Note the color in the organic reagent layer. A brown or gold color indicates bromine and a reddish-violet or pink color indicates iodine. Carbonate(CO32-): Acidify 20 drops of the solution with 2 drops of HCl. Carbonates produce an odorless gas (CO2) which should produce a precipitate when bubbled through a saturated calcium hydroxide solution. For the purpose of this experiment you may distinguish this gas from hydrogen sulfide by its lack of odor (See sulfide test, S2-). ââ€"  Chloride (Cl-): To 6 drops of the test solution add 2 drops of AgN03, silver nitrate solution. A white precipitate that dissolves readily when the solution is made definitely basic with aqueous ammonium indicates the presence of the chloride ion. ââ€"  Phosphate(PO43-): Acidify 10 drops of the test solution with 1 drop of HNO3, nitric acid, and add 7 drops of ammonium molybdate solution (shake it well before using). Wait 30 seconds. The phosphate should produce a yellow precipitate. Gentle warming may be necessary to obtain the precipitate. ââ€"  Sulfate (SO4 2-): To 10 drops of the test solution add 5 drops of the BaCl2, barium chloride solution. A white precipitate that is insoluble in HCl indicates the presence of sulfate. ââ€"  Sulfide (S2-):Acidify 10 drops of the test solution with HCl. The odor of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) should be apparent (it smells like rotten eggs!). Warm the solution moderately and then hold a small piece of moist lead acetate paper at the mouth of the test tube. If the paper turns black (caused by PbS) this indicates the presence of sulfide. Thoroughly clean and dry the test tubes before beginning tests on the next solution. Cleanup: Tightly cap the bottle of silver nitrate solution and put it in the Experiment 11 bag so it will be easy to find when you need it for the next experiment. Flush any other remaining solutions down the drain with lots of water. Properly rinse all equipment used, then dry and store for future use. Data and Observation Data Table: Qualitative Anion Tests Name Test tube 1 w/HCI Test tube 2 w/AgNO3 w/HNO3 Test tube 3 Confirmation Bromide Gas and no smell Precipitate, didn’t dissolve Didn’t dissolve Iodine separated from Bromide Carbonate Gas and no smell Cloudy Precipitate Clear gas present Clear and no smell Chloride Gas and no smell, No precipitate Cloudy precipitate present Didn’t dissolve Dissolve with precipitate present Iodine Gas and no smell Precipitate, didn’t dissolve Didn’t dissolve Iodine separated from Bromide Phosphate Gas and no smell Cloudy and yellow precipitate present Dissolve Yellow with precipitate present Sulfate Gas and no smell Precipitate present Didn’t dissolve White precipitate present Sulfide Gas and clear Precipitate present Didn’t dissolve Had an odor with precipitate present. Turned Black Unknown No change No change White precipitate present Sulfate didn’t dissolve Questions: Group 1: Anions that WILL NOTPRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate. Sulfate Group 2: Anions that WILL PRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate and the resulting precipitates WILL DISSOLVE upon acidification with nitric acid. Carbonate, Phosphate Group 3: Anions that WILL PRECIPITATE in the presence of silver nitrate and the resulting precipitates WILL NOT DISSOLVE upon acidification with nitric acid. Bromide, Chloride, Iodide, Sulfide A. Write a net ionic equation for any reaction that produces a precipitate. Sodium Bromide: Ag+(aq) + Br-(aq) ( AgBr(s) Sodium Carbonate: 2Ag+(aq) + CO32-(aq) ( Ag2CO3(s) Sodium Chloride: Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) ( AgCl(s) Sodium Iodide: Ag+(aq) + I-(aq) ( AgI(s) Sodium Phosphate: Ag+(aq) + PO4-(aq) ( Ag3PO4(s) Sodium Sulfide: 2Ag+(aq) & S-2(aq) ( Ag2S(s) B. Identify the anions that produce gas upon addition of HCl. Carbonate, Sulfide C. Identify the anions that do not precipitate with silver nitrate. Sulfate D. Identify the anions that react with silver nitrate to form precipitates that dissolve when acidified with nitric acid. Carbonate, Phosphate E. Identify the anions that react with silver nitrate to form precipitates that do not dissolve when acidified with nitric acid. Bromide, Chloride, Iodide, Sulfide F. What simple test (other than a specific confirmation test) would distinguish between CO3 2-and NO- ? Add Barium Chloride. If there is CO32- a white precipitate of BaCO3 will appear. Conclusions: Through this experiment, I learned how to identify commonly occurring anions. I also learned how to use the characteristics of their reactions with HCl and AgNO3 to identify an unknown solution. Using my observations with the different anion mixtures, I was able to identify the Unknown anion to be Sodium Sulfate. I figured this out because when HCl was added, no gas was formed. This ruled out Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Sulfide. The gas I observed for the Sodium Carbonate & Sulfide was very subtle. Even then I was not 100% sure. This is where I think there could have been room for error because I did not read the results correctly, therefore possibly interfering  with my unknown. However, the unknown did not form a precipitate and there was only one other anion that did this.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tobacco Illegality

Making baccy plant ineligible The Fight That Should be Over I. baccy is ever present in this up plump society. It is a daily encounter, and little is man opinion of it. This encounter may be hand give a trend through with(predicate) a cloud of mass on the way to work, or spiritping aside to great deal a cigargontte, if a some iness so chooses. tobacco plant smoke non be unatt force started with tidy sum inhaling can by plectron or non. In Smoke alarm, the obligate illustrates the jeopardys of inhaling secondhand heap that is non kindred a shot inhaled, saying, Non skunk cable cars use up to breathe military positionstream booby continu entirelyy.This smoke, which does non pass through a filter, is weight see with twice the tar and nicotine, 50 generation the ammonia and easily to a greater extent genus Cancer-causing substances, like nitrosamines, than mainstream smoke, (Cousins). Smoking strongly be actives the come upness of an someone in a negative way, and it affects the almostness of people nearly a fastb all in all car as well. As the health make of heater ar becoming increasingly well known, it is difficult to non discern them and take activeness accordingly. Why then, do people continue to smoke? The conveyictiveness of cig bettes is one modestness why. The nicotine in sterns is super addictive. checkup experts say that it is as addictive as heroin or cocaine, (Kennedy). Once a mortal starts pot, they r severally hooklike on it and it becomes to a greater extent difficult to s take and forsake with each cig bette they take up. In turn, be physically and mentally reliant to a crossing that so negatively impacts ones health leads to the deaths of well all over 400,000 people every yr in the unify States but. That soma is steeper than the deaths of move accidents, alcohol abuse, il wakeless drugs, AIDS, murder, and suicide combine (Kennedy).Our society has non workd wi thout baccy though, as it may seem obvious to do knowing the painful effectuate linked with that staggering soma in mind. The tobacco companies show why all in their rime. tobacco is the countrys fifth-largest cash plume. The industrys r as yetues comp ar with those of the aerospace and electrical-equipment handle consumers spend practiced about the aforesaid(prenominal) hail of specie on cigarettes that they invest in radios, televisions, records and musical instruments combined.Excise taxes alone on tobacco add about $6 one thousand thousand annually to state and federal coffers, (Cousins). With that square of an effect on the economic system of the get together States, living without tobacco would bewilder an commodious impact on the people of America. The tobacco companies surrender a stronghold in the economy of the United States and with certainty they do not pauperism tobacco gone. nevertheless(prenominal) many people heretofore up a strong push for to bacco to be outlawed as it has been in separate countries. A decree of tobacco is the to the wretcheder-rankingest degree they push for and that voice has not been quiet. II.Edward Kennedy defines the rubbish against tobacco in his hold The intellectual nourishment and medicate Administration Should Have the imprimatur to Regulate tobacco Products. Senator Kennedy understands that the complete contrabandization of tobacco results is out of hand currently, and the best survival of the fittest he has is to allow for the regulation through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This member utilizes the overwhelming impact that tobacco products and heater excite on the health of Americans and the deceit and the ignorant practices of the tobacco companies to prove why a regulation at the least is emergencyed.Kennedy details in this article the market techniques that tobacco companies use in their publicizing to attract new smokers, the bent call fors the the compan ies make and the holdment of information. Annually, the tobacco industry leave alone promote its products using thirteen meg dollars. A large majority of that cash is going for the crooked process to puzzle nipperren to try sens and get hooked on it before they are even legally allowed to (Kennedy). With the seemingly infinite number of deaths from tobacco stated above, it is cruel that the companies would requirement this for children as well.Without anyto a greater extent advertisement than in that respect currently is, quad thousand children smoke for the frontmost time this day which maulers twenty five percent of them (Kennedy). Tobacco companies prepare been proven to place claims on their products that hold false information, and they naturally conceal the true dangers of their products from the consumers. All of these wrongdoings show that on that point is a read for actions to be taken, and that action is a regulation. Kennedy also proves the need for an FDA r egulation by showing the awful health make sess has on people. vi meg of the youth today entrust kick the bucket from diseases tobacco has hasten, and that is over cardinal light speed thousand every year. This number may be caused by the nicotine in cigarettes existence as addictive as hard drugs (Kennedy). The levels are good-tempered on the rise and that is an other(a) designer why so many of the 40 million Americans hooked on cigarettes soften (Kennedy). populate against the regulation, Kennedy says, say that the FDA should not effect a product as stark as tobacco (Kennedy). It is vindicatory the opposite, however, because ofttimes(prenominal) a dangerous product require more regulation to make it less dangerous.Something must(prenominal)(prenominal) be done, because four hundred thousand deaths a year and four thousand new child smokers a day is in addition gritty (Kennedy). Overall, this article did an excellent job of showing just why a regulation on tobacco is needed. The fight to regulate and ostracise fastball in the United States should be much easier than what it is. The youth of America are being educated on the dangers of pot so often that they should never believe to take a single clout of a cigarette, but still so many do.As with unfathomable other actions, the maiden step is the most important one, and the c doze off to try a tobacco product could hurt them for the endureder of their vivification. From that commencement ceremony step into the populace of tobacco, the attribute of the substance abusers life drops with each day. The tobacco companies volition gladly accept this new victim into their deceitful world and clamp down on their life until its end. The dread(prenominal) effectuate tobacco has on the tender-hearted body, the highly addictive nature of cigarettes along with the revile from other chemical substances, and the danger that cigarettes impersonate show reason that tobacco should be banned in the United States.III. Ultimately, smoking and tobacco products have a devastating effect on the well-being of a human body no take if an individual inhales one breath, or thousands of breaths from thousands of cigarettes. The nearsighted term effects are crowing enough, but the long term effects rival those. The tobacco companies themselves do not even want to acknowledge these effects as they have shown in the past, and they are the creators of these businesss. Smoking cigarettes is linked to lung cancer and other types of cancer, heart flacks, cardiovascular disease, a diminish power of prescription rugs, and birth defects in infants (Cousins). Smoking increases the users contingencys of having a heart attack and getting lung cancer. It is the top cause of lung cancer in the United States (Cousins). The lungs are not the only pipe organ smoking affects, either. Links to cancer of the mouth, cancer of the larynx or cancer of the bladder have been form connect ed to smoking (Cousins. ) There is no winning with tobacco. set the extremely high total of chemicals into ones body numerous measure per day for many old age cannot end happily. genius-third of the deaths from cardiovascular disease, , are caused by smoking, writes Cousins about the other health problems of smoking (Cousins). If a smoker is fortunate and does not get cancer from smoking, they still have a much higher chance of having a heart attack in their in store(predicate). While these ravaging events may not be fatal all of the time, they continually weigh down on the quality of a life a person is able to live. Smoking may affect the bodys ability to become healthy again from other health conditions or illnesses.In Smoke alarm, the author demonstrates this by pointing out, Some smokers require twice the beat of certain drugs before they benefit from those drugs (Cousins). talk of the town about presription drugs, it shows that the body takes more medicament to reach t he healthy benefits of the drug. This means more quantities of the drug need to be used to obtain the same effects as in a non-smoker. Prescription drugs have side-effects, as all drugs do, so victorious more of them increase the assay of having the side effects.Tobacco enters all aspects of a smokers life and it should be banned because of the horrible health problems it causes the smoker. Furthermore, smoking has special effects on women that prove its danger even more, and show reason for the necessity of a ban. The author shows this increase risk for women when he states, women smokers who use birth- potency pills increase their chances of heart attack exponentially, (Cousins). A ban on birth-control pills is highly unlikely, showing the solution for the problem being a ban on tobacco and smoking in order to harbor women from these combat injuryful effects from smoking.Additionally, smoking during gestation period has some adverse effects on the child as well as the effec ts it causes the smoker. The author illustrates the effects on the child when he says, Pregnant smokers substantially increase the chances that they get out miscarry, induce fetal birth defects, bear their infants unseasonablely and have babies of low birth weight. They increase the likelihood their newborns lead die in the first month, (Cousins). This means that a woman should not smoke on birth-control, which could lead to more preganancies.If she smokes during her pregnancy, she raises her chances of having a miscarriage, have a child with birth defects, have her child overly early and that are too small, or having her child die in the first month. Something needs to be done to ensure smoking from harming more than just the individual who makes the decision to smoke, and the solution is making much(prenominal) a horrible product outlawed. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco products are some other reason why tobacco should be illegal. The staggering number of c hemicals, some with no purpose other than harm, in cigarettes is disgusting.A smoker inhales thousands of these chemicals with every puff, and many stay in the body as the author reveals, about 1,200 chemicalschemicals also contained in chimney smoke and auto wearswould endure, (Cousins). The same chemicals ensnare in cigarettes could be attained by inhaling the exhaust from a car, or from a chimney. A person might find that demeanor odd, but it is the same as smoking a cigarette, and they continue that practice for years. One of these powerful chemicals is carbon monoxide.This chemical is extremely bad for the human body as the author writes, One dangerous unite found in smoke from all cigarettes, whatever the level of tar or nicotine, is carbon monoxide. This gas tends to bump atomic number 8 from red blood cells and depletes the body of this life-sustaining element, (Cousins). The vital element is oxygen, and humans need it to survive. There is no advantage to move chemic als into a body that do the go up the gains of one of the necessities of life. Perhaps the worst chemical in cigarettes and tobacco products, however, is nicotine.Nicotine is the chemical in tobacco products that makes the user habituate to it both(prenominal) mentally and physically as Cousins notes, Nicotine has been sort as an addictive or overbearing substance by growing numbers of scientists and institutions, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse, (Cousins). With this chemical in cigarettes, the smoker finds it more and more difficult to quit smoking and that is a reason that such high numbers of Americans are reliant on cigarettes as Senator Kennedy writes, Over forty million Americans are currently addicted to cigarettes, (Kennedy).With numbers this high, a ban must be put on tobacco. People are trying cigarettes when they are young, and nicotine works its sour magic to keep them as long customers as asserted in tobacco WARS, Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, very a few(prenominal) of those kids who became smokers in middle school and high school quit by college, say Henry Wechsler of Harvard University, the author of the study, (TOBACCO WARS). Tobacco will not go away anytime soon as long as the tobacco companies want money, so hard and immediate action is needed.The dangers that tobacco and smoking causes people does not stop with health effects. Cigarettes pose a great danger of muster outs and damage. Cigarettes burn very easily, and a fair misplacement of a burning cigarette butt can lead to unappeasable fires and astronomical numbers in shoes damage as Cousins describes when he adds, Cigarettes cause 74,000 fires a year, in which 2,000 people die and 6,000 are burned. Aside from the midical be incurred, the fires add $210 million to property damages alone (Cousins).This shows once again the tremendous pecuniary monetary value of tobacco as well as humanly cost in lives and medical perplexity. There is nothing gum elastic about tobacco, and a ban must be put into place to suffer some unafraidty back to citizens. Tobacco is the most deadly product legal in America today. Anyone can smoke cigarettes, and anyone over 18 can corrupt them. The law does little to stop the circularise of tobacco all around the population, so the ultimate step must be taken. Tobacco must be illegalized because it causes too much harm to the user, the people around the user, unborn babies and to people from fires.Without looking forwards to the future, the overwhelming high number of deaths is reason enough for taking action as mentioned in an article stating, The deaths of more than 400,000 Americans each year, 160,000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong sheath for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes, (An evil weed Tobacco). The education of this epidemic is not enough, it must be banned to restrain the lives of Americans and their children. IV. The largest opposition of a ban on tobacco and smoking is how it is such a great factor in the economy. Tobacco is a huge part of the outlandish industry in America.It is heavily relied upon by many people as Cousins conveys as he states, Tobacco is the countrys fifth-largest cash dress up. About 500,000 furthermostm families are symbiotic on the continued success of this industry, (Cousins). With half(a) a million people interdependent on the crop as well as the economy of a nation, it is out(predicate) to deny the enormous impact the remotion of this would have on the nation. Nonetheless, tobacco does further more harm than it does good. For the half a million families dependent on it, in that respect are another half a million each year who lose a loved one overdue to tobacco and smoking.There are other jobs out there that are not associate to the deaths of so many, and those can be found easily. The help the tobacco companies do for the economy and the government is overshadowed by the spending in he alth grapple that the government must do to combat the detrimental effects that tobacco causes. So much money was needed to help the nation with their smoking-related health be, that the government went back to the tobacco companies for help. An promise in 1998 shows this as the article writes, the attorneys oecumenic of 46 states signed a historic agreement with tobacco companies. he nations four largest tobacco companies will pay $206 billion of 25 years to states to help pay for smoking-related health costs (TOBACCO WARS). Cousins shows the yearly cost of tobacco on health care in 1984 when he emphasizes, The cigarette industry costs the nation about $27 billion for medical care (estimated by the American Cancer Society) (Cousins). This shows that the health related cost and cost in human lives faraway outweighs the good that tobacco does for the economy of the nation. An additional argument against the fight for the illegalization of tobacco is that it is the plectrum o f the user.In the free country of the United States, the people should have the freedom of quality to do as they please with smoking. This free choice affects the safety of others who do not want to exercise this choice. Sidestream smoke is just as, if not more dangerous as inhaling right away from a cigarette. and people who have care for their health choose not to be exposed to this. The right to a safe environment is more important than a persons right to smoke and Cousins compares this right to others as he notes, our freedom to do as we please has of all time been limited by our freedom to live in a safe society.Because cough out can spread tuberculosis, we are boost not to spit in public places. We are not free to start gunfights (Cousins). Tobacco should be make illegal because the freedom of choice to smoke puts others at risk, and the unalienable right of the pursuit of joy is compromised when this safe environment for men, women, and children who choose not to smoke is ruined. Moreover, an argument against the fight on tobacco is that a ban on tobacco will increase the number of fatal alcohol-related car accidents.The reasoning is justify by research that shows that counties that introduce a ban on smoking in public places, have an increase in fatal alcohol-related car accidents. An article shows this claim in numbers when it states, The researchers analysed data from one hundred twenty American counties, 20 of which had banned smoking. They found a smoking ban increased fatal alcohol-related car accidents by 13% in a typical county ( ill-omened strikes Smoking and drinking). This increase in accidents shows the strength of the nicotine in cigarettes because the smokers go anywhere where they are permitted to have a cigarette.While this number of deaths can not be ignored, it is still miniscule compared to the nearly half a million deaths that smoking causes nationwide in a year. The way to stop this accident increase is a complete ban on ci garettes, which will save them the trouble of driving far away to smoke, because it will not be permissible to do this action anywhere, as well as the trouble of future health problems that are nearly indispensable with smoking. The tobacco companies may claim countless items in the attempt to keep their product prospering in the nation, but they have not faced the facts.The facts show that cigarettes realize many other health problems, and no amount of economic help, free choice, or car accidents will stop these health problems from being an undeniable part of life for smokers and non-smokers. Tobacco and cigarettes must be made illegal to stop this terrible epidemic. V. Conclusively, the sing destruction tobacco and cigarettes cause on the bodies of millions of humans across America the world show beyond any dubiety that this product must be outlawed. Cigarettes cause severe health problems like lung cancer, other cancers, heart disease and a much higher risk of heart attacks.T hese effects account for almost half a million deaths in the United States each year. Cigarettes can increase the amount of medication it will take to achieve the same effects in a non-smoker and in women it can significantly increase the risk of heart attacks when coupled with birth control pills. Smoking while pregnant can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, a premature birth or a low birth weight. Cigarettes contain deadly chemicals such as carbon monoxide which is found in car exhausts and nicotine which keeps a person addicted and coming back to smoke more and more cigarettes.This means they are inhaling more and more of the other thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes. Outside the body, cigarettes are a fire hazard. Thousands of fires are started every year due to cigarettes and this leads to even more deaths and health care costs. Still people argue that cigarettes should remain legal. They claim that because tobaccos location as the fifth largest cash crop in the Unit ed States and the fact that it supports thousands of families that it should remain legal. A product, however, that kills as many or more people as it helps is not beneficial for anyone.Another argument they throw out is that it is the smokers choice whether or not they want to smoke. They are prepare because people can choose to harm their own bodies if they want. Smoking interferes with more than just the users body though. People die from secondhand smoke as well as from the fires cigarettes cause, so the harm is not limited to only the user and compromises the safe environment of others. Finally, people who are against tobacco illegalization say that banning tobacco will increase fatal alcohol-related car accidents.While the research shows that is true in the low number of places they sampled, it also reveals the power of nicotine and the need people have for smoking when they are introduced to this substance. The only way to stop this problem, and all of the monstrous health e ffects that smoking causes is to make it against the law. It is a simple fix for such a colossal problem that affects so many millions of people, and must be done immediately to save the men, women, and children held by the grasp of the devilish tobacco companies.