Saturday, July 27, 2019

Differences Between the Disease Model and the Harm Reduction Model Research Paper

Differences Between the Disease Model and the Harm Reduction Model - Research Paper Example Sheff) and his father’s perspective. Both books (Beautiful Boy by David Sheff and Tweak, by Nick Sheff) avail a fascinating perspective on addiction, and how it is a family disease affecting afflicted member, as well as all who interact with the person. The disease model of addiction stipulates that individuals addicted to alcohol and other drugs possess a chronic disease that can never be cured, although it can be contained. The model holds that the ideal outcome for individuals with addiction is total abstinence, since anyone who still uses any quantity of drugs continues to activate the strong cravings for drugs of choice. The disease model defines alcoholism and any other drug addiction as a biogenetic disease in need of treatment. Disease model is less stigmatizing compared to moral model and, thus, represents an advantage. Nevertheless, both models perceive the user as powerless over consumption and emphasize abstinence as the only feasible means of recovery. According to the disease model, chemical dependency represents a psychosocial phenomenon (Wormer, 1999). The disease model comes out as scientifically and morally correct and effective with motivated clients. Disease model perceives alcoholism or any other drug use as irreversible and the drug user as a person having an abnormal condition. Disease model holds that addiction is a biologically-based syndrome embracing psychological and social components that influence its expression. The model holds that predisposition to addiction is invisible and can be inherited. Other assumptions of the model include the premise that addiction remains dormant (in remission) unless reactivated by alcohol/drug use. The model stipulates that if left unattended, the disease becomes progressively worse, leading to disability and death. Disease model holds that disease is generic to all psychoactive substances regardless of the distinct substances that the individual may happen to choose (Marlatt &

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