Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Cold War And Technology Advancements Essay - 1379 Words

The Cold War and its advancements in technology During the middle 1940s there was a lot going on in the world. This includes World War two coming to an end after the United States use of the atomic bomb on Japan, most of Europe in shambles from battles and the Russia or now called Soviet Union (USSR) turning to communism. One may think how technology could advance at such a time. Well during war a lot of pressure is put on countries to supply resources. These resources are very expensive and force citizens not going off to fight in the war to work and help supply for the war. This can also have positive effects on the economic and technological development of these countries. Wars are expensive but they do accelerate technological advancements/developments to solve specific military needs. These devices are then later implied for everyday use. The cold war is a great example of this even know there was no physical war. The science and technology that was discovered during the cold war has primarily helped drive technology to wher e it is today. The Cold War started between the time span of 1945 to 1949 (1). There was no exact date of in starting because the war was fought with no battle causticities. The war was a conflict over how Germany and other parts of Europe should be run after World War two. The tension was between the western BLOC nations and the Eastern BOC nations (1). The United States was the leader of the Western BLOC nations along with the NATO nations andShow MoreRelated The Cold War Era Essay example1046 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War Era Works Cited Missing The late 1940s to the mid 1980s the American society saw what could quite possibly be titled the biggest technological effect on society. This era, The Cold War, was a period in which fear of attack or invasion and a need to be superior reigned in the American society. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Mythology Essay - 887 Words

â€Å"To some extent, mythology is only the most ancient history and biography. So far from being false or fabulous in the common sense, it contains only enduring and essential truth, the I and you, the here and there, the now and then, being omitted. Either time or rare wisdom writes it.† -nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Henry David Thoreau (1849) Every culture has evolved its own mythology, defining its character and offering a way to understand the world. Myths of every culture reveal the power of love, with it, its accompanying jealousy and anxiety; the conflict between generations, the old and new, the mischief of the trouble makers and the underlying diversity and stability of human nature. Although their gods sprang forth from†¦show more content†¦Their civilization lasted almost without change for more than 3,000 years. Their greatness began around 4,500 B.C. From early in their history, both the Greek and the Egyptians believed in the concept of life after death. Both Egyptian mythology and Greek mythology have a ‘father-creator’ god, a ‘trickster’ god, and a ‘love’ goddess. While the duties of these roles are divided up differently among each set of gods, comparable gods are easily discernable. Within these myths, the ‘father-creator’ gods have the most in common. The Greek god Zeus and the Egyptian god Amen-Re display parallel qualities. These ‘father-creator’ gods were depicted as powerful, bearded, fertile men who reigned over the other gods in their mythologies. Zeus was thought to maintain social order, and Amen-Re was considered king of the gods. These gods also have a similar weapon or symbol of power associated with them. Zeus has a lightning bolt, and Amen-Re, a scepter; both of these instruments are viewed as destructive. The myths of these gods also referred to the sky. Zeus had palaces high above the mortal world, known as Mt. Olympus, the residence of the divine family, the twelve most important ruling gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, who therefore were called the Olympians. This palace served as meeting places for the gods, and as an observation deck. Zeus is often depicted as looking down from Mt. Olympus into the mortal world. Though he did not have aShow MoreRelatedMythology And Christianity : Mythology948 Words   |  4 PagesMythology and Christianity Mythology is known for its artistic values of cultures well before the world we live in today. The stories that derive from these great folk tales set a scene in lives of people who worshipped their God’s and the items that they praised them for. Depending on the geographic location and the time of the myth, or at least what it could be traced to, the people would praise and worship different God’s for different reasons. Just like in our modern system of religion in thisRead MoreGreek Mythology And The Mythology1154 Words   |  5 Pagesand lessons of Greek mythology have shaped art and literature for thousands of years. Later Greek writers and artists used and elaborated upon these sources in their own work. Did you know that in ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important part of everyday life. They explained everything from rituals to the weather, and they gave meaning to the world people saw around them. Many consumer p roducts get their names from Greek mythology. For example sportsRead MoreMythology In Greek Mythology879 Words   |  4 Pages Greek mythology is commonly mistaken by those unfamiliar with it as a religious subject. Instead, they are a set of stories about Greek gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines that serve to entertain and give an explanation of how the world came to be. It’s apparent that the world wasn’t like the way it is currently from the beginning, but the myths do give us an idea of how things were like. As Edith Hamilton once said, â€Å" But what the myths show is how high they had risen above the ancient filthRead MoreThe Mythology Of Greek Mythology978 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many different types of different creatures of Greek Mythology. There are Centaurs, Minotaur, Pegasus, Sirens, Medusa, and many more. These creatures can either be helpful to the Gods and Goddesses or they can work against them. Some of the creatures’ stories eve n intertwine with the stories of the Gods and Goddesses of Greek mythology. I will concentrate on the following creatures: Centaurs, Pegasus, Sirens, and Medusa. My favorite creatures out of all of these are the Sirens, becauseRead MoreMythology And The Word Of Mythology2333 Words   |  10 PagesThe word ‘mythology’ is a word derived from ancient Greek word, ‘mythos’ meaning story of the people and ‘logos’ - the word for speech. These two words together mean ‘spoken story of a people’, thus creating the word and meaning of ‘mythology’ (Mark 2009, para. 1). Mythology as defined by Mark (2009), is the interpretation and study of tales and fables of a culture and religion (Mark 2009, para. 1). According to Kelsey, by retelling myths, people can experience their deeper meaning so that theyRead MoreGreek Mythology And The Mythology850 Words   |  4 Pagesmedicine, and a multitude of others. The mythology of these two cultures is exceedingly similar, although for those looking for a more interesting view on the subject, Greek mythology is far superior to Roman mythology. The time period in which mythological tales were told began over one hundred years ago in 19 BC for the Romans through the epic Aeneid; however, Greek mythology has existed longer. There is no specific evidence proving when Greek mythology actually began; Greek myths are chronicledRead MoreThe Mythology Of Norse Mythology1659 Words   |  7 Pageslike it was untouched. Norse Mythology is a great example of this. The way that the gods were presented has changed. Their physical appearance and mentality has changed greatly. The way the gods think of themselves has been changed to where the things that they do in modern films and stories would make the character in Norse Mythology embarrassed. These few changes are very apparent in the characters Odin, Loki and Thor. Starting off, their background from Norse Mythology. First, Odin, the God of WarRead MoreWater in Mythology533 Words   |  2 Pagesstream and when her child falls in and she reaches to get him her hands grow back (Pashby). This shows water is very healing, she lived through years with no hands and dipping them into the stream brought them back instantly. Another story in mythology that fits this theme is â€Å"The Tree of Evil Spirits† which originates from Russia. This story portrays water very similar to â€Å"The Handless Maiden.† The character in this story named Ivan has his sight restored after his brother had gouged his eyesRead MoreMythology : Ancient Greek Mythology1527 Words   |  7 PagesMythology is a vast collection of made up/fake stories told during the Ancient Greek era. That is what we are told at young age growing up learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses like Zeus and Hercules. But actually the mythology comes from the word myth which is a Greek word for speech or discourse, but later adapted the meaning of fable or legend (Doyle, 2015).The traditional stories, poems, literature, and art have been passed down for years. The stories about Gods and Goddesses, heroes, and monstersRead MoreMythology And Its Impact On Society847 Words   |  4 PagesMythology has and always will play a huge role in a people’s life. It is human nature to ask questions and want answers. This is where mythology comes in and gives people that answers. Mythology also can take form in religion which has been practiced over 300,000 years ago (Wise Geek, 2014). Belief, and knowledge that a person has, has a huge impact the choices and beliefs of mythology and religion. Even in the contemporary culture of today mythology still plays a huge role in. Myths are a way

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Benefits Realization Management Influence -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Benefits Realization Management Influence? Answer: Introducation Desired Area of Impact: The impact area of the project referred here is developed here on the basis of the following five different areas - financial, operational, social, strategy and the consumer. The project deals with the development of online booking system for tickets for a show organized by RALS agriculture. Hence, the order of priority for the impact area is - Operational, Customer, Social, Strategy and Financial. Project Values: As per Globex requirements as well as RALS estimation, it is assumed that the project will bring faster and better value to the organization. The existing process of ticket sales can be improved by the implementation of online ticketing process. Apart from this, the online ticket sale process increases the speed of the process and ensures a better efficiency. It also relaxes the crowd management process without any delay in the ticketing services. Appropriate Metric: The following metric is chosen: 1) the activities must be accomplished before the scheduled date for all the stakeholders of the organization; 2) 110% of the workload must be accomplished before the end of the month; 3) 70% or above Return on Investment (ROD) must be provided by the outcomes of the project. Appropriate Timeframe: The metric described above needs to be achieved under the time limit of six months after the accomplishment of project. The stakeholder's metric needs to be accomplished before finishing of the project and as a result, the performance of the stakeholders may be assessed at the correct time. "The above project will be stated as successful if each stakeholder of the organization achieves 110% of the workload of the project each month, finishes the assigned target before the due date and the ROI provided by the outcome is more than 70%; apart from it, the project achieves the desired interest areas - Operational, Customer, Social, Strategy, and Financial and brings the faster and better value needed for organization. Part Two The Project's scope includes the development of an online ticket booking system and its sale process in order to resolve the issues like crowd management, delay in queues. The sale system of online ticketing must be relevant enough to perform the function of automated ticketing. Resources required are listed in the table below: Resource type Resource roles Resource responsibilities People Business analyst, Technical lead, Project manager, Developer1, Developer2, Lead analyst, Frontend developer and Tester Management of project, Building the team, Responsibility to make any decision Acting as a bridge between the client and teams involved in development and testing,, Documentation of every requirement and change, Ability to work on difficult issues, suggesting the required architectural changes, awareness related to agile methods, Coordination with lead analyst, Ensuring that SLAs as well as the deadlines are fulfilled, database designing, UI, interfacing Estimation of the process of testing, planning the testing objectives Escalation of issues and risks, providing the required testing updates Technology CXA and UX; Java 8 OCp; HTML5, CSS3, and Act JS The mentioned technologies are required for development of the online ticket booking and its sale system Facilities Department of Development and deployment Provides major tools of development, infrastructure assistance as well as the designing of online application Others Team members Training Proper communication and Coordination, It Provides the training to the employees in the RALS organization Table 1: List of Resources Part Three The scheduling of the activity is performed using Gantt chart in MS Project Software. The scheduling table is provided for achievement of proper allocation of the activities and the time using all the provided resources. Later, work breakdown structure is also prepared using the above Gantt chart. Part Four Risk analysis and risk management need to be performed for the maintenance of the process of risk mitigation. The following assumptions provide the bases for the identification of the risks- The approval of MOV from the managing authorities and the administration The completion of project before the planned deadline The completion of the project within allocated budget No requirement of training for the employees and the stakeholders Risk Management Plan: As per MOV, project charter and the assumptions, the risk areas of the project are recognized, evaluated and mitigation plan is adopted accordingly. The risks are as follows: Budget risk: There are certain chances of the project running out of the allocated budget by the company. Therefore, the contingency planning process must be considered by the management authorities for the adjustment of the budget during the project timeline. Despite of having a high likelihood, the risk is considered to have the catastrophic severity. Thus, formulation of the mitigation plan must be a process of high authority. Timeline risk: Sometimes the project is not completed before the deadline and there is a requirement of some extra time of a week or a month. In this case, the project manager should consider cutting an extra slack of time so that the project completes within the decided time period. Despite of having medium likelihood, the risk has a medium severity. Thus, the priority for adoption of the mitigation plan is medium. Non-Approval of MOV: The approval of MOV lies on the management. In case the management finds it difficult to meet the requirements of MOV based on the terms of money, time and resources, they can reject the MOV. In this case, project needs to be restarted and a fresh MOV needs to be prepared. This risk has a low likelihood but ids considered to have certain severity. Thus, low priority must be given to the planning of mitigation plan in this case. Training Requirements: There is a need for the training for a few days for the new and existing stakeholders and the employees in RALS to work in the new system. Therefore, there is need to spend a portion of assigned budget in the training process. This risk is considered to have low likelihood but medium severity. Thus, the planning of mitigation plan needs low priority. Project Failure Risk: There are chances that even after project completion, the full benefits of projects are not realized. This may happen if implementation process is not proper. To ensure that project reaps intended benefits there is need to monitor progress of project from time to time. Also, it must be ensured that project delivered is as per standards set. Part Five The statement regarding quality management needs to be prepared in the following way - We hereby declare that we aimed to develop online ticket booking system for RALS committee and we will provide shear quality in all functionalities as collected and analyzed prior to project initiation phase. The verification activities are listed below: Ensuing that product development is in accordance with the policies of the organization. Checking the proper automation Ensuring the proper estimation tools Ensuring that the process of testing is in accordance with the scheduled timeline The following are the validation activities- Identification of the insider flaws such as testing bugs Identification of the defects in application functioning. Part Six: Annotated Bibliography: Closure and Evaluation Annotated bibliography can be found attached. Closure checklist: It includes major activities like contract sign-out, stakeholder sign-out, preparing documentation, preparation of evaluation plan and reviewing of the performance. Evaluation Plan: It involves criteria like meeting requirements, performance, achievement of deliverables of higher level and quality and completion of the tasks within time. References Besner, C., Hobbs, B. (2013). Contextualized project management practice: A cluster analysis of practices and best practices.Project Management Journal,44(1), 17-34. Hill, G. (2013).The complete project management office handbook(3rd ed.). New York: CRC Press. Kerzner, H. (2013).Using the project management maturity model. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Knutson, J. (2001).Project management for business professionals. New York: John Wiley. Marcelino-Sdaba, S., Prez-Ezcurdia, A., Lazcano, A. M. E., Villanueva, P. (2014). Project risk management methodology for small firms.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), 327-340. McLeod, L., Doolin, B., MacDonell, S. G. (2012). A perspective?based understanding of project success.Project Management Journal,43(5), 68-86. Martinelli, R. J., Milosevic, D. Z. (2016).Project management toolbox: tools and techniques for the practicing project manager. John Wiley Sons. Quade, S., Birkenkrahe, M., Habermann, F. (2013). KMUT Project Management Toolbox.International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Ijet),8(2). Raydugin, Y. (2013).Project risk management. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Serra, C. E. M., Kunc, M. (2015). Benefits realization management and its influence on project success and on the execution of business strategies.International Journal of Project Management,33(1), 53-66.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Waking Up by OneRepublic free essay sample

A long, long time ago, for some reason or other, I bought the OneRepublic album Waking Up on Mom’s iTunes account without thinking twice about it, which shortly faded into the back of my memory. Fast forward three years or so and you’ll come to me deciding to temporarily put the entire album on my iPod Nano 7 to listen to. I had read all the negative reviews. I had read all the complaints. Heck, I had even listened to some of the songs myself on my screen-less iPod Shuffle in years long gone. However, nothing could’ve compared me for the sheer ugliness of what is truly the worst pop album of all time. OK, while there admittedly WERE some fairly decent songs in the mix (the radio smash â€Å"All The Right Moves† being a good example), the vast majority of them wind up being overly pretentious, self-indulgent, theatrical, and definitely not subtle at all about all three. We will write a custom essay sample on Waking Up by OneRepublic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Oh yeah, there’s even a â€Å"concept† at the album’s core that (seemingly) tells the â€Å"story† of the life of a world-renowned pop idol and how that lifestyle has ups†¦and absolutely nothing else. Yep, the entire album spends its entire 45-minute length thrusting in your face about how wonderful and exciting being a big star is. You’ve got fans! You’ve got lovers! You’ve got big mansions! You’ve always got good songs! You always have that wonderful sense of happiness and wide-eyed wonder! Heck, even your dreams are always good! Of course, I’m not saying success is a bad thing. If anything, I’m even happy to hear that these people finally are able to earn their place in the world. It’s just that when an entire album is wholeheartedly (pun intended) devoted to only showing that side of life WITHOUT revealing an even slightly deeper or darker side to things, well, you’re basically just wading y our way through an emotional kiddie pool. Even the music is cringe-worthy, with songs ranging from enjoyable enough (â€Å"Good Life†) to completely unlistenable (â€Å"Everybody Loves Me†). Unfortunately, too many tracks fall rather ungraciously into the latter category. Add in horribly overlong runtimes, ridiculous song structures, and even some ludicrous influences (classical, country, and even opera inexplicably manage to make their stand), and you, my friends, have the (seemingly) impossible: a pop album that will leave the most casual listener saying â€Å"huh?† Look, if you liked some of the better songs on here, fine, get those. Otherwise, there’s absolutely no doubt that you should skip this album and start Waking Up to better, more-deserving music.