Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Cold War And Technology Advancements Essay - 1379 Words

The Cold War and its advancements in technology During the middle 1940s there was a lot going on in the world. This includes World War two coming to an end after the United States use of the atomic bomb on Japan, most of Europe in shambles from battles and the Russia or now called Soviet Union (USSR) turning to communism. One may think how technology could advance at such a time. Well during war a lot of pressure is put on countries to supply resources. These resources are very expensive and force citizens not going off to fight in the war to work and help supply for the war. This can also have positive effects on the economic and technological development of these countries. Wars are expensive but they do accelerate technological advancements/developments to solve specific military needs. These devices are then later implied for everyday use. The cold war is a great example of this even know there was no physical war. The science and technology that was discovered during the cold war has primarily helped drive technology to wher e it is today. The Cold War started between the time span of 1945 to 1949 (1). There was no exact date of in starting because the war was fought with no battle causticities. The war was a conflict over how Germany and other parts of Europe should be run after World War two. The tension was between the western BLOC nations and the Eastern BOC nations (1). The United States was the leader of the Western BLOC nations along with the NATO nations andShow MoreRelated The Cold War Era Essay example1046 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War Era Works Cited Missing The late 1940s to the mid 1980s the American society saw what could quite possibly be titled the biggest technological effect on society. This era, The Cold War, was a period in which fear of attack or invasion and a need to be superior reigned in the American society. 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