Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rhetoric In The Media Essay - 1050 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many times we hear things through media and don’t actually listen to what they may say. When people hear something through mass media, they don’t realize that there is a person’s point of view stated in the story. And many times what people don’t see is that there is no such thing as an objective point of view. This is called Rhetoric; when someone states their point of view using words that either sway an audiences opinions one way or another. Rhetoric can be found in many places such as a T.V add or a commercial, magazine articles and advertisements, the news, and even radio commercials. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Watching the regular news as I frequently do, I always hear the way a reporter†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although the topic of the story seems minor, and as if there is nothing behind it, that helps to lead to my conclusion. The fact is that the reporter herself must be a pro-life believer and decided to want to do a story on what happened. She was able to tell her story in the way she wanted to, using the term â€Å"pro-life† she is ably to sway an audiences opinion not against the church for being against abortion, but against people who commit vandalism on such point of views. This is more important than we realize, when someone is able to do a story that is only a minute of our time yet subconsciously we don’t realize that this reporter has already swayed our opinion. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sometimes people’s point of view, in the media, is more apparent than others. For example, I was listening to the radio the other day, and I heard a commercial that caught my attention. It was the voice of our former president, Mr. Bill Clinton that was being imitated by someone. The mans voice seemed a little dopey, and a little bit weaker, high pitched, and scratchy, but you could tell that it was an imitation of Clintons voice. There was the typical presidential music in the background bit it was being played low, as apposed to loud and annoying. He starts to speak about these great sales that he has seen at an auto dealer, and we have to come down now and see the great buys that can save us a lot of money. He then goes on to say thatShow MoreRelatedRhetoric And The On Social Media Essay1217 Words   |  5 Pageson social media, when we hear the word rhetoric we often cringe. Yet there are very few that actually have a true grasp of the words mean ing. When we first started the semester we heard rhetoric being described as â€Å"mere crookery†. Rhetoric is simply the process of making messages and messages made by that process, and these messages are used to influence social attitudes, the values and even actions of the intended audiences. 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