Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Citizen Consumer Hybrid Of Ben Jerry s Marketing...

Running read: THE CITIZEN-CONSUMER HYBRID IN BEN JERRY’S MS 2 THE CITIZEN-CONSUMER HYBRID IN BEN JERRY’S MS The Citizen-consumer Hybrid in Ben Jerry’s Marketing Strategy Yilin Zhang Media, Culture and Environment Dr. Andy Opel Nov 1, 2017 The Citizen-consumer Hybrid in Ben Jerry’s Marketing Strategy Today, the ice cream industry has been developed mainly in the United States (Arbuckle, 2013). As a frozen product, ice cream is often related to environmental issue. As Gwanpua (2015) points out that refrigeration system is likely to generate impact on global warming (Gwanpua, 2015). Ben Jerry’s is one of the well-known ice cream businesses in the United States. It was founded in Burlington, Vermont in 1978, now†¦show more content†¦In contrast, the citizenship emphasizes people’s social and ecological responsibility. Consumers are supposed to be concerned with the environmental sustainability when they are consuming. To begin with, Ben Jerry’s focuses more on their sourcing than the ecological sustainability. The company feels honored that the ingredients of their ice creams are from across the country. For instance, they emphasize that the nuts in Rainforest Crunch ice-cream are supplied from native peoples of the Amazon (Mirvis, 1994). Only five percent of the nuts are from local farms (Murray, 2015). Peaches are purchased from a Georgia peach-growers’ co-operative, cherries are from Pacific Northwest and wild blueberries are from Native American tribes in Maine (Mirvis, 1994). The chocolate brownies used in ice-cream sandwiches are shipped from Greystone Bakeries, a small business run by Buddhist monks. However, Freeman (2010) suggests that eating more local and organic food is a more environmentally efficient way to achieve the sustainability of nature (Freeman, 2010). Henderson (2009) also indicates that discouraging the wasteful long distance transportation of food supplies and favoring local farming communities contribute to environmental protection (Henderson, 2009). After all, long-distance and processed foods are connected to unsustainable cereal monocultures and production of greenhouse gases (ShrybmanShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pages Strategic Marketing Management Dedication This book is dedicated to the authors’ wives – Gillian and Rosie – and to Ben Gilligan for their support while it was being written. Acknowledgements Our thanks go to Janice Nunn for all the effort that she put in to the preparation of the manuscript. Strategic Marketing Management Planning, implementation and control Third edition Richard M.S. 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